Monday, June 29, 2015

150629 Invictus

Warm up:
2.5 min Airdyne

A: E2M16 (8 sets)
Front Squats:
1: 3 @ 65% (125)
2: 3 @ 75% (140)
3: 2 @ 85% (160)
4: 2 @ 90% (170)
5: 1 @ 95% (180)
6: 2 @ 90% (170)
7: 4 @ 85% (160)
8: 6 @ 80% (150)

B: AMRAP 12 1:1 work:rest
1 Power clean @ 110#
2 Front Squats @ 110#
4 Front rack reverse lunges @ 110#
8 C2B pull-ups
Score: 5 rounds + 1 PC + 2 FS + 4 Lunges

150628 Spartan Training

Warm up:
5min DROMs

Barbell Complex 100# x 5
5-power cleans
5-front squats
5-shoulder presses
5 back squats

7 sets of:
5 push-ups
3 pull-ups

3.5 mi run

Friday, June 26, 2015

150626 Aspiring Champions

Warm up:
3 min spin bike
5 min DROMs

A: "Jackie"
For time:
1000m row
50 45# Thrusters
30 Pull-ups
Time: 12:00

Bar dips 2 x 7
Hang snatch 3 x 3 @ 65 - 109 - 109
Monkey bars x 2

Thursday, June 25, 2015

150625 Run

3.1mi run in 38:48
Ran with Mark Shimp @ slow pace 12:15mi/min

150624 Invictus

Warm up:
5 min DROMs

A: E2MOM18
1: Muscle up progression (red band) x 2-5
2: HS wall run x 5
3: TTB x 5-8 @ 3111

B: E4M20
1: Airdyne x 1:50
2: 40 Double Unders
3: 20 push-ups (20-15-20-15-10)

150622 Invictus

Warm up:
5 min DROMs

A: Jerk work up to 135# x 3

B: 3 sets for max reps:
:60 GTO @115# (6 | 8 | 8)
:60 box jumps (12 | 15 | 15)

150623 Run

2.5 mi run

Friday, June 19, 2015

150619 Aspiring Champions

Warm up:
5 min DROMs

For time (40 min cap)
50 wall balls
400m run
50 Burpees
400m run
50 box jumps
400m run
50 cal row
400m run
50 KB swings (40#)
400m run
50 traveling lunges
Time: 38:35

Cool down:
500m row

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

150617 Run

Spartan training

Warm up:
5 min DROMs

Run 3.4 mi in 30:34


Push ups 3 x 15

150616 Run

Warm up:
5 min DROMS

Run 2.5 min in 24:44
w/ 1 set monkey bars
Pull-ups 2 x 6

Plyo push-ups 3 x 10
KB presses @ 35# 2 x 12 ea. side

Monday, June 15, 2015

150615 Invictus

Warm up:
5 min DROMs
400m run

For time:
40 Wall balls
400m run
40 Burpees
400m run
40 wall balls
Time: 14:18

150613 Run

2.5mi run in 26 min

Friday, June 12, 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

150610 Active Recovery

Run 2.5mi w/ 7 hill repeats

150609 Invictus

Warm up:
5 min DROMs
2 min jump rope

4 rounds for max reps of:
:60 KBS (55)
:60 rest
:60 push ups
:60 rest
:60 box jump overs
:60 rest
:60 push press (85)
:60 rest
Score: 333

150608 CF Open 15.2 (scaled)

Warm up:
5 min DROMs
2 min jump rope

0:00 - 3:00
2 rounds of:
6 overhead squats (85)
6 pull-ups
3:00 - 6:00
2 rounds of:
8 PU
6:00 - 9:00
10 OHS
10 PU
Continue pattern until you cannot complete both rounds in 3:00.
Score: round 12; 12 OHS + 6 PU

Friday, June 5, 2015

150605 Aspiring Champs

Warm up:
500m row

For time (40 min cap)
400m run
50 wall balls
400m run
50 Burpees
400m run
50 box jumps
400m run
500m row
400m run
50 KB swings (50#)
400m run
50 traveling lunges
Time: 39:17

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

150603 Invictus

Warm up:
5 Min DROMs
Box jumps 2 x 8

A: E2MOM10 (5 sets)
High Bar Back Squat
6 x 65% (145)
4 x 70% (160)
2 x 80% (175)
2 x 85% (185)
1 x 90% (205) felt good did #210

1 x max reps @ 85% (185 x 13)

B: E4MOM20 (5 sets)
Airdyne :45
20 walking lunges w/ farmer carry 35#

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

150602 Invictus

Warm up:
5 min DROMs
Banded crossovers x 10 (pull downs, 90/90, victory)

A: 12min to work up to 1RM weighted pull-ups (60#)
AMRAP3 strict pullups (19)

B: For time:
Ring dips
C2B pullups (red band)
Time: 15:47 

Monday, June 1, 2015

150601 Invictus

Warm up:
5 min DROMs
2 min jump rope

A: E2MOM16
Front squat x 2-3 (up to 175#)

B: 3 rounds for time:
- Run 400m
- 30 Double Unders
- 20 Deadlifts @ 125#
- 10 Front Squats @ 125#
Time: 21:08