Buy in:
10 Burpees x 2
RRPuP Step 12:
Run 10 min @ Z1 warm up run
Run 30 sec @ 90%
Run 30 sec @ 50% x 8
Run 60 sec @ 90%
Run 60 sec @ 50% x 4
Run 90 sec @ 90%
Run 90 sec @ 50% x 2
Run 10 min cool down run
Did this incorrectly. Did 1 sprint then 50% then walk recovery. Still got in some good work. Covered 5.5 mi in total.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
111228 Shoulder Press 1RM test
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
RRPuP Step 12:
Shoulder Press 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Disappointing. No progress in the last 3 months. Recovery probably played a part. A little sore from the previous day's workout.
5 min jump rope
RRPuP Step 12:
Shoulder Press 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Disappointing. No progress in the last 3 months. Recovery probably played a part. A little sore from the previous day's workout.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
111227 Back Squat 1RM test
Buy in:
5 min jump rope then
2 rounds of:
45# x 10 OHS
10 Bar Dips
15 Sit-ups
Back Squat 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
For time
12-9-6 of
115# OHS
115# Back Squat
115# Push Press
Time: 11:58
OHS started to get shaky around rep 7. Each round was broken into 2 sets. Other movements unbroken but required brief rest in between. Next time less staring at the bar.
Happy with the BS PR's. First attempt @ 315 was a fail. Got down in the hole and lost concentration. I knew I could get the weight I just needed to dial in my focus.
5 min jump rope then
2 rounds of:
45# x 10 OHS
10 Bar Dips
15 Sit-ups
Back Squat 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
For time
12-9-6 of
115# OHS
115# Back Squat
115# Push Press
Time: 11:58
OHS started to get shaky around rep 7. Each round was broken into 2 sets. Other movements unbroken but required brief rest in between. Next time less staring at the bar.
Happy with the BS PR's. First attempt @ 315 was a fail. Got down in the hole and lost concentration. I knew I could get the weight I just needed to dial in my focus.
111225 Bench Press
5/3/1 C3 w4d4 de-load
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
RRPuP Step 11:
Bench Press 3 x 5 (40%, 50%, 60%)
Close Grip Bench Press 135# x 10 x 2
Tricep Pressdowns (green band) 2 x 10
Ab rollers 2 x 15
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
RRPuP Step 11:
Bench Press 3 x 5 (40%, 50%, 60%)
Close Grip Bench Press 135# x 10 x 2
Tricep Pressdowns (green band) 2 x 10
Ab rollers 2 x 15
111224 Deadlift
5/3/1 C3 w4d3 de-load
Buy in:
800m run
OHS 45# X 10 X 2
Good Mornings 45# x 15 x 2
RRPuP Step 11:
Deadlift 3 x 5 (40%, 50%, 60%)
GHR (green band) 2 x 10
Glute Bridge 2 x 20
Buy in:
800m run
OHS 45# X 10 X 2
Good Mornings 45# x 15 x 2
RRPuP Step 11:
Deadlift 3 x 5 (40%, 50%, 60%)
GHR (green band) 2 x 10
Glute Bridge 2 x 20
Friday, December 23, 2011
111223 Active Recovery
Buy in:
2000m row
RRPuP Step 11:
Bar Dips 5 x 10
Cash out:
Static Handstand Holds
:45 | :45 | :35
Vertical knees raises in captain's chair
3 x 15
2000m row
RRPuP Step 11:
Bar Dips 5 x 10
Cash out:
Static Handstand Holds
:45 | :45 | :35
Vertical knees raises in captain's chair
3 x 15
Thursday, December 22, 2011
111222 Clean, GHD Sit-ups
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Burgener warm-up
RRPuP Step 11:
Bar Dips 6 x 6
21-15-9 reps for time of:
135 pound Clean
GHD sit-up
Scaled reps to 12-9-6. Subbed GHD's for sit-ups on angled bench.
All unbroken.
Time: 4:50
Cash out:
Barbell curls 40# x 25 x 2
5 min jump rope
Burgener warm-up
RRPuP Step 11:
Bar Dips 6 x 6
21-15-9 reps for time of:
135 pound Clean
GHD sit-up
Scaled reps to 12-9-6. Subbed GHD's for sit-ups on angled bench.
All unbroken.
Time: 4:50
Cash out:
Barbell curls 40# x 25 x 2
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
111220 Dumbbell squat snatch, GHD sit-ups, Toes to bar
5/3/1 C3 w4d2 de-load
Buy in:
100' Bear crawl
50' Crab crawl
RRPuP Step 11:
Shoulder Press 5-5-5(40%, 50%, 60%)
Seated DB Press 30# x 15 x 2
Three rounds for time of:
25 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, right arm
15 GHD sit-ups
25 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, left arm
15 Toes to bar
Time: 19:40
Buy in:
100' Bear crawl
50' Crab crawl
RRPuP Step 11:
Shoulder Press 5-5-5(40%, 50%, 60%)
Seated DB Press 30# x 15 x 2
Three rounds for time of:
25 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, right arm
15 GHD sit-ups
25 pound Dumbbell squat snatch, 15 reps, left arm
15 Toes to bar
Time: 19:40
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
112012 The Deathstar
5/3/1 C3 w4d1 de-load
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# overhead squats
15 45# good mornings
RRPuP Step 11:
Back Squat 5-5-5 (40%-50%-60%)
Front Squat 135# x 10 x 2
"The Deathstar"
In 3 minutes complete as many 6-count star-jump burpees as possible then rest 1 minute.
Repeat for a total of 5 rounds.
Post reps/rounds to comments.
Score: 18 | 23 | 26 | 27 | 27
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# overhead squats
15 45# good mornings
RRPuP Step 11:
Back Squat 5-5-5 (40%-50%-60%)
Front Squat 135# x 10 x 2
"The Deathstar"
In 3 minutes complete as many 6-count star-jump burpees as possible then rest 1 minute.
Repeat for a total of 5 rounds.
Post reps/rounds to comments.
Score: 18 | 23 | 26 | 27 | 27
Monday, December 19, 2011
111912 Bench Press 5-3-1+
5/3/1 C3 w3d4
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# overhead squats
15 45# shoulder press
3 x 5 ring dips
RRPuP Step 11:
Bench Press 5-3-1+
Incline DB Press 50# x 15 x 2
Close grip bench press 135# x 10 x 2
Tricep pressdown (green band) 2 x 10
Curl grip barbell row 115# x 10; 125# x 10
Ab-rollers 2 x 15
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# overhead squats
15 45# shoulder press
3 x 5 ring dips
RRPuP Step 11:
Bench Press 5-3-1+
Incline DB Press 50# x 15 x 2
Close grip bench press 135# x 10 x 2
Tricep pressdown (green band) 2 x 10
Curl grip barbell row 115# x 10; 125# x 10
Ab-rollers 2 x 15
Sunday, December 18, 2011
111712 Deadlift 5-3-1+
5/3/1 C3 w3d3
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
15 45# overhead squats
15 45# good mornings
RRPuP Step 11:
Deadlift 5-3-1+
2 x 10 GHR (green band assisted)
2 x 20 glute bridge
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
15 45# overhead squats
15 45# good mornings
RRPuP Step 11:
Deadlift 5-3-1+
2 x 10 GHR (green band assisted)
2 x 20 glute bridge
Thursday, December 15, 2011
111512 Wood
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
RRPuP Step 11:
5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
10 Burpee box jumps, 24” box
95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 10 reps (scaled to 75#)
95 pound Thruster, 10 reps (scaled to 75#)
Rest 1 minute
Post total time to comments.
Time: 29:51
Walk from run to gym added 1 min each round. Good, hard workout.
5 min jump rope
RRPuP Step 11:
5 Rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
10 Burpee box jumps, 24” box
95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 10 reps (scaled to 75#)
95 pound Thruster, 10 reps (scaled to 75#)
Rest 1 minute
Post total time to comments.
Time: 29:51
Walk from run to gym added 1 min each round. Good, hard workout.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
111412 Clean, HSPU
5/3/1 C3 w3d2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# OHS
10 Bar Dips
RRPuP Step 11:
Shoulder Press 5-3-1+
Seated DB Press 30# x 15 x 2
JM Press 65# x 10 x 2
Work up to 135# clean
65# x 2, 95# x 2, 115# x 2, 135# x 1
5 rounds for time of:
3 135# Cleans
Time: 6:11
Cash out:
Sit ups 2 x 20
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# OHS
10 Bar Dips
RRPuP Step 11:
Shoulder Press 5-3-1+
Seated DB Press 30# x 15 x 2
JM Press 65# x 10 x 2
Work up to 135# clean
65# x 2, 95# x 2, 115# x 2, 135# x 1
5 rounds for time of:
3 135# Cleans
Time: 6:11
Cash out:
Sit ups 2 x 20
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
111312 Back Squat
5/3/1 C3 w3d1
Buy in:
800m run (treadmill)
Bar dips 2 x 10
RRPuP Step 11:
Back squat 5-3-1+
210-240-270(3)(3-R PR!)
GHR 2 x 5
Glute Bridge 1 x 20
Bulgarian Split Squat 30# x 10 x 2
V-Ups 1 x 18, 1 x 15
3-rep PR on the squat. That was a much-needed mental boost.
Good day.
Buy in:
800m run (treadmill)
Bar dips 2 x 10
RRPuP Step 11:
Back squat 5-3-1+
210-240-270(3)(3-R PR!)
GHR 2 x 5
Glute Bridge 1 x 20
Bulgarian Split Squat 30# x 10 x 2
V-Ups 1 x 18, 1 x 15
3-rep PR on the squat. That was a much-needed mental boost.
Good day.
Monday, December 12, 2011
111112 Bench Press
5/3/1 C3 w2d4
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
20 20# KB swings
20 20# KB Sotts presses
RRPuP Step 10:
Bench Press 3-3-3+
Incline DB Press 45# x 15, 50# x 15
Close Grip Bench Press 135# x 10 x 2
Tricep Pressdown (green band) 2 x 10
Curl Grip Barbell Row 115# x 10 x 2
Ab Rollouts 2 x 15
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
20 20# KB swings
20 20# KB Sotts presses
RRPuP Step 10:
Bench Press 3-3-3+
Incline DB Press 45# x 15, 50# x 15
Close Grip Bench Press 135# x 10 x 2
Tricep Pressdown (green band) 2 x 10
Curl Grip Barbell Row 115# x 10 x 2
Ab Rollouts 2 x 15
111012 Deadlift
5/3/1 C3 w2d3
Buy in:
800m run
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats
15 good mornings
RRPuP Step 10:
Deadlift 3-3-3+
GHR 2 x 5
Glute Bridge 2 x 20
Buy in:
800m run
2 rounds of:
10 overhead squats
15 good mornings
RRPuP Step 10:
Deadlift 3-3-3+
GHR 2 x 5
Glute Bridge 2 x 20
Friday, December 9, 2011
110912 Bear Complex
Buy in:
5min stationary bike
2 rounds of:
20 sit-ups
15 back extensions
RRPuP Step 10:
5 rounds of:
7 cycles through
power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
push press (from behind the head)
Increase weight each round. Bar cannot rest until all 7 reps have been completed.
Post loads and time to comments.
Loads: 65-75-95-105-115
Time: 16:53
5min stationary bike
2 rounds of:
20 sit-ups
15 back extensions
RRPuP Step 10:
5 rounds of:
7 cycles through
power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
push press (from behind the head)
Increase weight each round. Bar cannot rest until all 7 reps have been completed.
Post loads and time to comments.
Loads: 65-75-95-105-115
Time: 16:53
Thursday, December 8, 2011
110812 Shoulder Press
5/3/1 C3 w2d2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
shoulder mob
RRPuP Step 10:
Shoulder Press 3-3-3+
Seated Dumbbell Press
25# x 15; 30# x 15
JM Press
45# x 10; 65# x 10
Tricep Pressdown (green band)
2 x 10
Barbell Row
65# x 10; 95# x 10
2 x 15
Started integrating conjugate CF assistance work. For JM press start with 65# next time and barbell row 95#.
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
shoulder mob
RRPuP Step 10:
Shoulder Press 3-3-3+
Seated Dumbbell Press
25# x 15; 30# x 15
JM Press
45# x 10; 65# x 10
Tricep Pressdown (green band)
2 x 10
Barbell Row
65# x 10; 95# x 10
2 x 15
Started integrating conjugate CF assistance work. For JM press start with 65# next time and barbell row 95#.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
110612 Tabata Row, Zercher Squats
5/3/1 C3 w2d1
Buy in:
500m row
2 rounds of:
10 GHD sit-ups
10 bar dips
RRPuP Step 10:
Back Squat 3-3-3+
Bulgarian Squats
20# x 10 | 25# x 10 | 30# x 10
Buy in:
500m row
2 x 15 45#KB swings
Tabata Row for Calories
AMR(eps)AP in 4 minutes of:
135# Zercher squats
Score: PM broken on C2, just did the work; 39 squats
Power Clean & Jerk
135# x 3 x 5
Buy in:
500m row
2 rounds of:
10 GHD sit-ups
10 bar dips
RRPuP Step 10:
Back Squat 3-3-3+
Bulgarian Squats
20# x 10 | 25# x 10 | 30# x 10
Buy in:
500m row
2 x 15 45#KB swings
Tabata Row for Calories
AMR(eps)AP in 4 minutes of:
135# Zercher squats
Score: PM broken on C2, just did the work; 39 squats
Power Clean & Jerk
135# x 3 x 5
Monday, December 5, 2011
110412 Bench Press
5/3/1 C3 w1d4
Buy in:
800m run
10 overhead squats w/ dowel
RRPuP Step 10:
Bench Press 5-5-5+
Incline Dumbbell Press
15 x 40, 15 x 45
Tricep Pressdown w/ green band
2 x 10
Curl Grip Barbell Row
10 x 95#, 10 x 115#
Ab rollouts
2 x 15
Buy in:
800m run
10 overhead squats w/ dowel
RRPuP Step 10:
Bench Press 5-5-5+
Incline Dumbbell Press
15 x 40, 15 x 45
Tricep Pressdown w/ green band
2 x 10
Curl Grip Barbell Row
10 x 95#, 10 x 115#
Ab rollouts
2 x 15
110312 Deadlift
5/3/1 C3 w1d3
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
10 air squats
3 x 5 ring dips
RRPuP Step 10:
Deadlift 5-5-5+
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
10 air squats
3 x 5 ring dips
RRPuP Step 10:
Deadlift 5-5-5+
Friday, December 2, 2011
110112 Rope Climb, Wallball, Run
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
shoulder mob
10 overhead squats w/ dowel
RRPuP Step 10:
Complete as many rounds in fifteen minutes of:
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Run 200 meters
Post total rounds.
Score: 3 rounds + 1 rope climb
5 min jump rope
shoulder mob
10 overhead squats w/ dowel
RRPuP Step 10:
Complete as many rounds in fifteen minutes of:
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
Run 200 meters
Post total rounds.
Score: 3 rounds + 1 rope climb
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
113011 Back Squat, Shoulder Press
5/3/1 C3 w1d1
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
3 rounds of:
10 air squats
10 bar dips
RRPuP Step 10:
Back Squat 5-5-5+
185-210-240(6 PR!)
Shoulder Press 5-5-5+
Bulgarian Squats
15# x 10, 20# x 10, 25# x 10
Shoulder Press
95# x 12-9-7
Felt like my lack of nutrition from being sick the last 2 days really threw me off. The last 2 squat reps were a monumental struggle. Have stopped supplementing with protein shakes for the last 2 weeks and wondering if that's part of the issue. I'll give it another week and see how I feel.
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
3 rounds of:
10 air squats
10 bar dips
RRPuP Step 10:
Back Squat 5-5-5+
185-210-240(6 PR!)
Shoulder Press 5-5-5+
Bulgarian Squats
15# x 10, 20# x 10, 25# x 10
Shoulder Press
95# x 12-9-7
Felt like my lack of nutrition from being sick the last 2 days really threw me off. The last 2 squat reps were a monumental struggle. Have stopped supplementing with protein shakes for the last 2 weeks and wondering if that's part of the issue. I'll give it another week and see how I feel.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
112711 5mi and Rocky Steps
5mi run
at halfway point 6 rounds up and down the Art Museum steps
RRPuP Step 9:
5mi run
at halfway point 6 rounds up and down the Art Museum steps
RRPuP Step 9:
112611 Burpees, Parallette pass-throughs, GHD Sit-ups
5/3/1 C2 de-load week (40%, 50%, 60%)
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
RRPuP Step 9:
Bench Press 3 x 5
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
5 six count burpees
7 push-up & dip pass throughs
9 GHD sit-ups.
Rest 90 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 cycles.
2 rounds + 5 burpees + 3 push-ups/dips
2 rounds + 5 burpees + 3 push-ups/dips
2 rounds + 5 burpees + 2 push-ups/dips
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
RRPuP Step 9:
Bench Press 3 x 5
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
5 six count burpees
7 push-up & dip pass throughs
9 GHD sit-ups.
Rest 90 seconds and repeat for a total of 3 cycles.
2 rounds + 5 burpees + 3 push-ups/dips
2 rounds + 5 burpees + 3 push-ups/dips
2 rounds + 5 burpees + 2 push-ups/dips
Friday, November 25, 2011
112511 Power Cleans and Double-unders
5/3/1 C2 de-load (40%, 50%, 60%)
Buy in:
800m run
RRPuP Step 9:
Deadlift 3 x 5
4 rounds for time of:
5 75% 1RM Power Cleans (135#)
50 Double-unders
Time: 14:15
Cash out:
3 rounds of:
20 sit-ups
15 push-ups
Buy in:
800m run
RRPuP Step 9:
Deadlift 3 x 5
4 rounds for time of:
5 75% 1RM Power Cleans (135#)
50 Double-unders
Time: 14:15
Cash out:
3 rounds of:
20 sit-ups
15 push-ups
112411 Binge
Happy Thanksgiving! Karen and I whipped up quite a feast today. Aside from my pull-ups the only reps I got in today was reps of fork to my face. For time of course. After it was all said and done I probably got in in the neighborhood of 5,000 calories today. Should make for some good fuel for tomorrow's workout.
RRPuP Step 9:
RRPuP Step 9:
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
112311 DB Hang Power Clean and Jerk, Bear Crawls
5/3/1 C2 w4d2 de-load (40%, 50%, 60%)
Buy in:
Foam rolling
10 burpees
10 65# overhead squats
RRPuP Step 9:
Shoulder Press 3 x 5
5 rounds for time of:
15 25# Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerk
72’ Bear Crawls
Time: 13:22
5 x 2 x 85# Snatch Balance
Buy in:
Foam rolling
10 burpees
10 65# overhead squats
RRPuP Step 9:
Shoulder Press 3 x 5
5 rounds for time of:
15 25# Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerk
72’ Bear Crawls
Time: 13:22
5 x 2 x 85# Snatch Balance
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
112211 400m run, Squats
5/3/1 C2 de-load week 1RM(40%, 50%, 60%)
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
10 45# overhead squats
15 45# Good Mornings
20 sit-ups
20 45# Barbell curls
RRPuP Step 9:
Back Squat 3 x 5
In 2.5 minutes, run 400m then complete as many air squats as possible. Rest 90 seconds then repeat for a total of four cycles.
Training Tips: Shoot for 50 squats or more per cycle.
Score (squats/round): 25, 35, 30, 33
Cash out:
4 x 10 Ab rollouts
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
10 45# overhead squats
15 45# Good Mornings
20 sit-ups
20 45# Barbell curls
RRPuP Step 9:
Back Squat 3 x 5
In 2.5 minutes, run 400m then complete as many air squats as possible. Rest 90 seconds then repeat for a total of four cycles.
Training Tips: Shoot for 50 squats or more per cycle.
Score (squats/round): 25, 35, 30, 33
Cash out:
4 x 10 Ab rollouts
Monday, November 21, 2011
112011 Tabata Something Else
5/3/1 C2 w3d5
Buy in:
800m run
Complete a tabata of each of the following movements: pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, squats. There is no rest between tabatas. Your score is total reps for all four movements.
Score: 312
Compare to 110503
Score: 282
RRPuP Step 9:
Hell yeah! 30 more reps!
Buy in:
800m run
Complete a tabata of each of the following movements: pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, squats. There is no rest between tabatas. Your score is total reps for all four movements.
Score: 312
Compare to 110503
Score: 282
RRPuP Step 9:
Hell yeah! 30 more reps!
111911 True Push-ups, Weighted Step-ups, Ring Dips
5/3/1 C2 w3d4
Buy in:
800m run
15 overhead squats w/ 45#
15 each arm 20# KB Sotts presses
RRPuP Step 9:
Bench Press 5-3-1+
21-15-9 reps of:
True Push Ups
Weighted Step-ups (M:75 lbs/W:45 lbs)
Ring Dips (Strict)s
Post total time.
Time: 19:40
No parallettes so push-ups were done with elevated feet. Ring dips were a significant struggle. In the last round they were done in chunks of 2 and 1.
Buy in:
800m run
15 overhead squats w/ 45#
15 each arm 20# KB Sotts presses
RRPuP Step 9:
Bench Press 5-3-1+
21-15-9 reps of:
True Push Ups
Weighted Step-ups (M:75 lbs/W:45 lbs)
Ring Dips (Strict)s
Post total time.
Time: 19:40
No parallettes so push-ups were done with elevated feet. Ring dips were a significant struggle. In the last round they were done in chunks of 2 and 1.
Friday, November 18, 2011
111811 Schoolboy
5/3/1 C2 w3d3
Buy in:
800m run
15 shoulder dislocates
10 overhead squats w/ dowel
RRPuP Step 9:
5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3
Deadlift 5-3-1+
Buy in:
5min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 parallette push-ups
15 v-ups
20 min AMRAP of:
5 bodyweight(205#) deadlifts
1 15' rope climb
Score: 12 rounds +2 DLs
3 x 15 bridged HSPU
Subbed towel pull-ups for rope climbs. Did 4 pull-ups for each as this is the # of pulls for me to get up a 15' rope. Great WOD for forearm and grip strength.
Buy in:
800m run
15 shoulder dislocates
10 overhead squats w/ dowel
RRPuP Step 9:
5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3
Deadlift 5-3-1+
Buy in:
5min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 parallette push-ups
15 v-ups
20 min AMRAP of:
5 bodyweight(205#) deadlifts
1 15' rope climb
Score: 12 rounds +2 DLs
3 x 15 bridged HSPU
Subbed towel pull-ups for rope climbs. Did 4 pull-ups for each as this is the # of pulls for me to get up a 15' rope. Great WOD for forearm and grip strength.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
111611 Burpees, 200m run, DB Shoulder to overhead
5/3/1 C2 w3d2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Shoulder mob
2 rounds of:
10 bar dips
20 sit-ups
RRPuP Step 9:
5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3
Shoulder Press 5-3-1+
3 rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
200 m Run
10 Two Hand Dumbbell Ground To Overheads 35 lbs
200 m Run
10 Two Hand Dumbbell Ground To Overheads 35 lbs
200 m Run
10 Two Hand Dumbbell Ground To Overheads 35 lbs
10 Burpees
Rest for 2 minutes after each round
Post total time.
Time: 21:10
Cash out:
3 x 10 ab rollouts
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Shoulder mob
2 rounds of:
10 bar dips
20 sit-ups
RRPuP Step 9:
5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3
Shoulder Press 5-3-1+
3 rounds for time of:
10 Burpees
200 m Run
10 Two Hand Dumbbell Ground To Overheads 35 lbs
200 m Run
10 Two Hand Dumbbell Ground To Overheads 35 lbs
200 m Run
10 Two Hand Dumbbell Ground To Overheads 35 lbs
10 Burpees
Rest for 2 minutes after each round
Post total time.
Time: 21:10
Cash out:
3 x 10 ab rollouts
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
111511 The Couplet
5/3/1 C2 w3d1
Buy in:
5min jump rope
Burgener warm-up
RRPuP Step 9:
5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3
Back Squat 5-3-1+
WOD from 110711:
The Couplet
Three rounds for time of:
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball (10.5 foot target) <--No med ball today. Subbed 10# DB thrusters 75 pound Squat snatches, 30 reps (movement initiates with barbell below the knees) <--Scaled to 65# Time: 23:40
Compared to 112707:
12# ball
65# snatch
A little slower, but a little heavier on the WOD. I consider it a wash. A little disappointed with my squats today. I thought I could have gotten 5 on the money set. While the 5/3/1 program is easier to follow the gains are harder to track than CFSB. With CFSB I knew every session what I needed to do to PR. With 5/3/1 there are some calculations that have to be made prior to the lifting session in order to know where the PR is. Need to be more diligent in my planning.
Buy in:
5min jump rope
Burgener warm-up
RRPuP Step 9:
5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3
Back Squat 5-3-1+
WOD from 110711:
The Couplet
Three rounds for time of:
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball (10.5 foot target) <--No med ball today. Subbed 10# DB thrusters 75 pound Squat snatches, 30 reps (movement initiates with barbell below the knees) <--Scaled to 65# Time: 23:40
Compared to 112707:
12# ball
65# snatch
A little slower, but a little heavier on the WOD. I consider it a wash. A little disappointed with my squats today. I thought I could have gotten 5 on the money set. While the 5/3/1 program is easier to follow the gains are harder to track than CFSB. With CFSB I knew every session what I needed to do to PR. With 5/3/1 there are some calculations that have to be made prior to the lifting session in order to know where the PR is. Need to be more diligent in my planning.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Tough Mudder Post Mortem
While this stuff is still fresh in my head just thought I would get this down for future reference and anyone who happens to stumble onto this.
To make the experience as enjoyable as possible you've got to put in the time. Can you do it without training? Maybe. But I sure as fuck wouldn't want to be THAT guy. I saw him on Sunday and he was NOT having a good time. And honestly the training was much harder than the actual event. I didn't do much running unless it was part of a CrossFit WOD aside from our Sunday morning 7mi team sessions at Valley Forge Park and 2x/week doing sets of 100m repeats with the truck tire. And this running only took place 2 months out from the event.
CrossFit was the perfect complement to this event. The Tough Mudder is a true test of general physical preparedness (GPP) and that's what CrossFit aims to improve. It's immediately apparent why we're doing all of those box jumps, pull-ups and burpees. So many of the obstacles directly correlate to these movements.
CF alone will get you there but I think my dedicated strength work played a huge factor in my success. A linear progression program like CrossFit Strength Bias or Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 will have you doing plenty of squat work and deadlifts to help getting on top of the obstacles. And while runners like to shy away from strength training, on a cold day like yesterday it would behoove you to put a little extra meat on your bones. I saw some typical runners and they were cold. Very cold.
Hill sprints
I did some, I'll be doing more next time around.
Just go to every day and do the work. This is the shit no one likes to do but just a few minutes a day will help stave off injury and transform you into a supple leopard. Being able to get into a strong position is a huge factor in being able to do the strength work as well. Again, just take my word for it and do it. You'll thank me later.
Compression gear
Under Armor-type compression gear is a must. When you're wet you WILL be cold and the long sleeves and pants will provide that extra level of comfort.
Some say they're not necessary but I disagree. Gloves are less about keeping you warm and more about grip, and you'll need plenty of it. Thin, mechanics-type gloves are all you need.
I rock the New Balance Minimus Trail MT10's. They drain well and provide plenty of grip and I don't even notice them. They are a minimal shoe, so if you've never used this type of shoe before ease into training with them and train with them often. Your calves will thank you.
Thin, lightweight, wool running socks. They'll provide a bit of warmth and wick away moisture.
Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel
Apply liberally to your "under carriage" and run chafe-free. I cannot overstate how critical this was for me.
Now my wife and I have been kinda Paleo for the past year and that works for us. Very low carb, heavy on the protein and fats. When I was doing triathlons the go to meal the night before was pasta and bread. This is no longer the case for me. The night before the race we had a rib eye steak, baked sweet potato and roasted brussel sprouts. The morning of it was scrambled eggs and bacon and a small bowl of oatmeal mixed with walnuts, flax seed, ground coconut, banana and maple syrup. Just enough carbs to start the race then we supplemented with Cliff Blocks and water throughout.
And drink plenty of water in the days leading up to the event. If you're wondering if you drank enough, you didn't.
That should do it. Happy racing.
To make the experience as enjoyable as possible you've got to put in the time. Can you do it without training? Maybe. But I sure as fuck wouldn't want to be THAT guy. I saw him on Sunday and he was NOT having a good time. And honestly the training was much harder than the actual event. I didn't do much running unless it was part of a CrossFit WOD aside from our Sunday morning 7mi team sessions at Valley Forge Park and 2x/week doing sets of 100m repeats with the truck tire. And this running only took place 2 months out from the event.
CrossFit was the perfect complement to this event. The Tough Mudder is a true test of general physical preparedness (GPP) and that's what CrossFit aims to improve. It's immediately apparent why we're doing all of those box jumps, pull-ups and burpees. So many of the obstacles directly correlate to these movements.
CF alone will get you there but I think my dedicated strength work played a huge factor in my success. A linear progression program like CrossFit Strength Bias or Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 will have you doing plenty of squat work and deadlifts to help getting on top of the obstacles. And while runners like to shy away from strength training, on a cold day like yesterday it would behoove you to put a little extra meat on your bones. I saw some typical runners and they were cold. Very cold.
Hill sprints
I did some, I'll be doing more next time around.
Just go to every day and do the work. This is the shit no one likes to do but just a few minutes a day will help stave off injury and transform you into a supple leopard. Being able to get into a strong position is a huge factor in being able to do the strength work as well. Again, just take my word for it and do it. You'll thank me later.
Compression gear
Under Armor-type compression gear is a must. When you're wet you WILL be cold and the long sleeves and pants will provide that extra level of comfort.
Some say they're not necessary but I disagree. Gloves are less about keeping you warm and more about grip, and you'll need plenty of it. Thin, mechanics-type gloves are all you need.
I rock the New Balance Minimus Trail MT10's. They drain well and provide plenty of grip and I don't even notice them. They are a minimal shoe, so if you've never used this type of shoe before ease into training with them and train with them often. Your calves will thank you.
Thin, lightweight, wool running socks. They'll provide a bit of warmth and wick away moisture.
Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel
Apply liberally to your "under carriage" and run chafe-free. I cannot overstate how critical this was for me.
Now my wife and I have been kinda Paleo for the past year and that works for us. Very low carb, heavy on the protein and fats. When I was doing triathlons the go to meal the night before was pasta and bread. This is no longer the case for me. The night before the race we had a rib eye steak, baked sweet potato and roasted brussel sprouts. The morning of it was scrambled eggs and bacon and a small bowl of oatmeal mixed with walnuts, flax seed, ground coconut, banana and maple syrup. Just enough carbs to start the race then we supplemented with Cliff Blocks and water throughout.
And drink plenty of water in the days leading up to the event. If you're wondering if you drank enough, you didn't.
That should do it. Happy racing.
111311 TriState Tough Mudder
Awesome! Just AWESOME!
Of the 12 people on our team the 2 CrossFitters (Karen and I) finished strongest. Dare I say we even thought it was easy--we OWNED it. Not to discount the accomplishments of anyone who finished this beast, but now I know what Coach meant by "prepare for the unknown and unknowable." I get it now. The Tough Mudder was right in our wheelhouse thanks to CrossFit. It's a true test of GPP. Aside from a few bumps and bruises I feel like a million bucks today.
Surprisingly (but maybe not) the one-dimensional marathoners in the group were the ones who struggled most. Followed by the traditional cardio/weights and P90X'ers. But that's really splitting hairs. Everyone stepped their game up today and played like a champion. Emphasis on the play.
I can't remember the last time I had this much fun. It was as if I were transported back to my childhood, rolling through the mud and scrambling and climbing over obstacles. Without a doubt I am hooked and can't wait for the next one.
2012 Bear Creek, PA--we've got you in the crosshairs.
Of the 12 people on our team the 2 CrossFitters (Karen and I) finished strongest. Dare I say we even thought it was easy--we OWNED it. Not to discount the accomplishments of anyone who finished this beast, but now I know what Coach meant by "prepare for the unknown and unknowable." I get it now. The Tough Mudder was right in our wheelhouse thanks to CrossFit. It's a true test of GPP. Aside from a few bumps and bruises I feel like a million bucks today.
Surprisingly (but maybe not) the one-dimensional marathoners in the group were the ones who struggled most. Followed by the traditional cardio/weights and P90X'ers. But that's really splitting hairs. Everyone stepped their game up today and played like a champion. Emphasis on the play.
I can't remember the last time I had this much fun. It was as if I were transported back to my childhood, rolling through the mud and scrambling and climbing over obstacles. Without a doubt I am hooked and can't wait for the next one.
2012 Bear Creek, PA--we've got you in the crosshairs.
Friday, November 11, 2011
111111 Strength Day
5/3/1 C2 w2d2
2mi run in 17:00
Buy in:
5 min on stationary bike
2 x 10 push-ups
2 x 10 45# OHS
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
Deadlift 3-3-3+
135x5 | 170x5 | 205x3
235 | 270 | 304(4)
Bench Press 3-3-3+
80x5 | 95x5 | 115x3
135 | 155 | 175(11)
Didn't want to push it too hard on the DLs with the Tough Mudder only 2 days away.
2mi run in 17:00
Buy in:
5 min on stationary bike
2 x 10 push-ups
2 x 10 45# OHS
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
Deadlift 3-3-3+
135x5 | 170x5 | 205x3
235 | 270 | 304(4)
Bench Press 3-3-3+
80x5 | 95x5 | 115x3
135 | 155 | 175(11)
Didn't want to push it too hard on the DLs with the Tough Mudder only 2 days away.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
111109 Tire Pushes, Box Jumps & DB Thrusters
5/3/1 C2 w2d2
Buy in:
5min on stationary bike
10 burpees
10 bar dips
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
Shoulder Press 3-3-3+
60x5 | 75x5 | 90x3
105 | 120 | 135(6)
100m tire push
21 19" box jumps
21 25# DB Thrusters
100m tire push
15 19" box jumps
15 25# DB Thrusters
100m tire push
9 19" box jumps
9 25# DB Thrusters
100m tire push
Time: 9:45
Buy in:
5min on stationary bike
10 burpees
10 bar dips
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
Shoulder Press 3-3-3+
60x5 | 75x5 | 90x3
105 | 120 | 135(6)
100m tire push
21 19" box jumps
21 25# DB Thrusters
100m tire push
15 19" box jumps
15 25# DB Thrusters
100m tire push
9 19" box jumps
9 25# DB Thrusters
100m tire push
Time: 9:45
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
111108 Muscle-ups, Front Squats and Hip Extensions
5/3/1 C2 w2d1
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 push-ups
20 sit-ups
10 45# overhead squats
10 45# good mornings
Strength 3-3-3+:
Back squat
110(5) | 135(5) | 165(3)
190 | 220 | 245(8)
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
4 rounds for time of:
3 muscle-ups (no rings; scaled to 3/3 pull-ups/bar dips)
5 185# Front squats (155#)
9 Hip Extensions
Take 2 min break after each round
Time: 11:34
Snatch Balance 2-2-2-2
65 | 85 | 95 | 115(1)
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 push-ups
20 sit-ups
10 45# overhead squats
10 45# good mornings
Strength 3-3-3+:
Back squat
110(5) | 135(5) | 165(3)
190 | 220 | 245(8)
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
4 rounds for time of:
3 muscle-ups (no rings; scaled to 3/3 pull-ups/bar dips)
5 185# Front squats (155#)
9 Hip Extensions
Take 2 min break after each round
Time: 11:34
Snatch Balance 2-2-2-2
65 | 85 | 95 | 115(1)
Monday, November 7, 2011
111106 Mudder Conditioning (long run)
Tough Mudder Conditioning
6mi run w/ the following calisthenics done throughout:
20 hill sprints
10 side hurdles
20 air squats
2 x 30 sit-ups
2 x 10 push-ups
4 passes on monkey bars
10 burpee pull-ups
25 box jumps
Time: 1:20:00
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
6mi run w/ the following calisthenics done throughout:
20 hill sprints
10 side hurdles
20 air squats
2 x 30 sit-ups
2 x 10 push-ups
4 passes on monkey bars
10 burpee pull-ups
25 box jumps
Time: 1:20:00
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
111105 Tire drags, box jumps and wallballs
5/3/1 C2 w1d5
Buy in:
5min jump rope
2 rounds of
10 overhead squats
10 burpees
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
Strength 5-5-5+:
135 | 170 | 205
220 | 255 | 285(8)
Bench Press
80 | 95 | 115
125 | 145 | 165(13)
For time
21-15-9 of:
24" box jumps
20# wallball to 10' target
Begin each round with 100m tire drag
Time: 13:40
Cash out:
3 x 10 ring ab extension
2 x 10 ring push-ups
Buy in:
5min jump rope
2 rounds of
10 overhead squats
10 burpees
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
Strength 5-5-5+:
135 | 170 | 205
220 | 255 | 285(8)
Bench Press
80 | 95 | 115
125 | 145 | 165(13)
For time
21-15-9 of:
24" box jumps
20# wallball to 10' target
Begin each round with 100m tire drag
Time: 13:40
Cash out:
3 x 10 ring ab extension
2 x 10 ring push-ups
Friday, November 4, 2011
111104 Crawl Complex
Warm up:
100 jumping jacks
15 Shoulder dislocates
2 rounds of:
20 Overhead Squats w/ dowel
15 65# Good Mornings
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
WOD: from
Complete 2-4 cycles of the following:
20 Yard Bear Crawl Forward/Reverse
20 Yard Bear Crawl Lateral (Left/Right)
20 Yard Crab Crawl Forward/Reverse
20 Yard Crab Crawl Lateral (Left/Right)
20 Yard Caterpillar Crawl Forward/Reverse
20 Yard Caterpillar Crawl Lateral (Left/Right)
20 Yard Gator Crawl Forward/Reverse
20 Yard Gator Crawl Lateral (Left/Right)
Rest 2 minutes rest between each cycle.
Time: 28 min
Great prep for the Mudder. Made the mistake of taking 2min in between each crawl type, but it was much needed recovery. I only got through 1 cycle then had to call it quits because of time constraints. Could have done 1 more cycle but it would have been ugly. This was extremely difficult. Heart rate was jacked.
100 jumping jacks
15 Shoulder dislocates
2 rounds of:
20 Overhead Squats w/ dowel
15 65# Good Mornings
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
WOD: from
Complete 2-4 cycles of the following:
20 Yard Bear Crawl Forward/Reverse
20 Yard Bear Crawl Lateral (Left/Right)
20 Yard Crab Crawl Forward/Reverse
20 Yard Crab Crawl Lateral (Left/Right)
20 Yard Caterpillar Crawl Forward/Reverse
20 Yard Caterpillar Crawl Lateral (Left/Right)
20 Yard Gator Crawl Forward/Reverse
20 Yard Gator Crawl Lateral (Left/Right)
Rest 2 minutes rest between each cycle.
Time: 28 min
Great prep for the Mudder. Made the mistake of taking 2min in between each crawl type, but it was much needed recovery. I only got through 1 cycle then had to call it quits because of time constraints. Could have done 1 more cycle but it would have been ugly. This was extremely difficult. Heart rate was jacked.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
111103 Active Rest
5/3/1 C2 w1d3
30min fasted walk
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
30min fasted walk
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
111102 Tire Drags
5/3/1 C2 w1d2
Buy in:
light run
WOD (from
Load a tire or sled with 50% of your body weight and drag it x 100 feet. (scaled: 86# = 41%)
Add 10% and drag it x 80 feet. (106#)
Add 10% and drag it x 60 feet. (126#)
Add 10% and drag it x 50 feet. (146#)
Rest 7 minutes and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.
Not timed, just did the work.
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
Cash out:
Bar Dips
10 | 10 | 10 | 5
Really feeling yesterday's squats.
Buy in:
light run
WOD (from
Load a tire or sled with 50% of your body weight and drag it x 100 feet. (scaled: 86# = 41%)
Add 10% and drag it x 80 feet. (106#)
Add 10% and drag it x 60 feet. (126#)
Add 10% and drag it x 50 feet. (146#)
Rest 7 minutes and repeat for a total of 3 rounds.
Not timed, just did the work.
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
Cash out:
Bar Dips
10 | 10 | 10 | 5
Really feeling yesterday's squats.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
111101 2010 NorCal Qualifier
5/3/1 C2 w1d1
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# Overhead squats
15 45# Good mornings
20 sit-ups
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
Strength 5-5-5+:
Back squat
110 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 3
180 | 205 | 230(8)
Shoulder press
60 x 5, 75 x 5, 90 x 3
95 | 110 | 125(7)
2010 NorCal Qualifier
AMRAP in 10min of:
7 115# Thruster
12 50# DB swings
7 C2B pull-ups
Score: 4 rounds + 2 thrusters
Cash out:
3 x 12 K2Es
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# Overhead squats
15 45# Good mornings
20 sit-ups
RRPuP Step 8:
5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2
Strength 5-5-5+:
Back squat
110 x 5, 135 x 5, 165 x 3
180 | 205 | 230(8)
Shoulder press
60 x 5, 75 x 5, 90 x 3
95 | 110 | 125(7)
2010 NorCal Qualifier
AMRAP in 10min of:
7 115# Thruster
12 50# DB swings
7 C2B pull-ups
Score: 4 rounds + 2 thrusters
Cash out:
3 x 12 K2Es
Monday, October 31, 2011
111030 TM run
5.12mi run at Tyler Park with Karen.
Time: 1:26
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
5.12mi run at Tyler Park with Karen.
Time: 1:26
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
111029 Fat Jesus
5/3/1 de-load week (40% | 50% | 60%)
Buy in:
5min jump rope
Hip and shoulder mob
Strength 3 x 5:
130 | 165 | 195
Bench Press:
75 | 95 | 115
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
Fat Jesus
5 rounds for time of:
6 BW Ground to overhead (scaled 3/4=155#)
12 C2B pull-ups (scaled blue band)
18 DUs
Time: 19:52
Cash out:
3 x 20 sit ups
Tough wod courtesy of CF Jacksonville. GTOs were broken into chunks of 2 after round 1. Pull-ups unbroken until round 5, there it was 6 & 6. DUs were better than they have been lately but still need work. Most of the time was spent with the GTOs.
Buy in:
5min jump rope
Hip and shoulder mob
Strength 3 x 5:
130 | 165 | 195
Bench Press:
75 | 95 | 115
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
Fat Jesus
5 rounds for time of:
6 BW Ground to overhead (scaled 3/4=155#)
12 C2B pull-ups (scaled blue band)
18 DUs
Time: 19:52
Cash out:
3 x 20 sit ups
Tough wod courtesy of CF Jacksonville. GTOs were broken into chunks of 2 after round 1. Pull-ups unbroken until round 5, there it was 6 & 6. DUs were better than they have been lately but still need work. Most of the time was spent with the GTOs.
Friday, October 28, 2011
111028 Tire Pushes, Burpee Boxjumps and Runs
Buy in:
800m run
20 20# KB swings
20 air squats
5 rounds for time of:
66 m Tire Push 106 lbs*
10 Burpee Box Jumps
100 m Run
Recovery walk back to start.
Post total time.
Time: 19:41
* Rounds 1,3 and 5 were tire pushes. Rounds 2 and 4 were 33m drags and 33m squatting power rows.
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
Cash out:
Bar Dips 10-8-6-4-2
Squat Cleans 5 x 3
95 | 115 | 135 | 155 | 165
Really liked this WOD. Kept moving the entire time.
800m run
20 20# KB swings
20 air squats
5 rounds for time of:
66 m Tire Push 106 lbs*
10 Burpee Box Jumps
100 m Run
Recovery walk back to start.
Post total time.
Time: 19:41
* Rounds 1,3 and 5 were tire pushes. Rounds 2 and 4 were 33m drags and 33m squatting power rows.
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
Cash out:
Bar Dips 10-8-6-4-2
Squat Cleans 5 x 3
95 | 115 | 135 | 155 | 165
Really liked this WOD. Kept moving the entire time.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
111027 Active Rest Day
30min walk
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
111026 Tough Mudder Conditioning
Tough Mudder Conditioning
800m run
5 rounds of:
66 m Tire Push 86 lbs
33 m Run (Weighted) 25 lbs
33 m Weighted Travelling Lunges 25 lbs
15 Sit-up (standard)s
Time: ≈22:00
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
After the tire push weight plate is picked up and run with. Then lunges are performed with plate locked out overhead. The plate must not leave your hands until the lunges are completed. With the number of people we had there was some waiting, but each leg was an all-out effort.
800m run
5 rounds of:
66 m Tire Push 86 lbs
33 m Run (Weighted) 25 lbs
33 m Weighted Travelling Lunges 25 lbs
15 Sit-up (standard)s
Time: ≈22:00
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
After the tire push weight plate is picked up and run with. Then lunges are performed with plate locked out overhead. The plate must not leave your hands until the lunges are completed. With the number of people we had there was some waiting, but each leg was an all-out effort.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
111025 2010 Northwest Regional Event 1
5/3/1 C1 de-load week
Buy in:
5min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# OHS
10 45# Good Mornings
RRPuP Step 7:
Back Squat 5-5-5 (40%-50%-60%)
105 | 130 | 160
Shoulder Press 5-5-5 (40%-50%-60%)
60 | 70 | 85
Cash out:
3 x 10 Ab rollers
Buy in:
10min walk
10 20#DB Manmakers
WOD from 111019:
Three rounds for time of:
95 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
50 Double-unders
Time: 9:25
Compared to 110720
Time: 17:05
Cash out:
1/2 Grace
15 135# Clean & Jerks
Time: 4:14
3 x 10 bar dips
I really enjoyed this first cycle of 5/3/1. Based on my 1RM calculations I'm improving but the weights are a little lighter than CFSB. But then again there seems to be more volume especially on the money sets. The next cycle should be interesting.
Happy with my time improvement from last time on the OHS/DU WOD. But it's more than likely due to my using a far superior rope (Ropes As Rx) and wrist wraps.
5/3/1 C1 de-load week
Buy in:
5min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# OHS
10 45# Good Mornings
RRPuP Step 7:
Back Squat 5-5-5 (40%-50%-60%)
105 | 130 | 160
Shoulder Press 5-5-5 (40%-50%-60%)
60 | 70 | 85
Cash out:
3 x 10 Ab rollers
Buy in:
10min walk
10 20#DB Manmakers
WOD from 111019:
Three rounds for time of:
95 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
50 Double-unders
Time: 9:25
Compared to 110720
Time: 17:05
Cash out:
1/2 Grace
15 135# Clean & Jerks
Time: 4:14
3 x 10 bar dips
I really enjoyed this first cycle of 5/3/1. Based on my 1RM calculations I'm improving but the weights are a little lighter than CFSB. But then again there seems to be more volume especially on the money sets. The next cycle should be interesting.
Happy with my time improvement from last time on the OHS/DU WOD. But it's more than likely due to my using a far superior rope (Ropes As Rx) and wrist wraps.
Monday, October 24, 2011
111023 TM Training Run
Buy in:
100M tire push
100M tire pull
Run 6.5 mi
175 push-ups
30 bench dips
15 Australian pull-ups
100M tire push
100M tire pull
Run 6.5 mi
175 push-ups
30 bench dips
15 Australian pull-ups
Saturday, October 22, 2011
111022 Deadlifts, Bench Press
5/3/1 C1 w3d3
Buy in:
800m run
Shoulder dislocates
2 x 10 Overhead squats with dowel
2 x 10 75# Good mornings
Deadlift 5-3-1+
Bench Press 5-3-1+
No WOD today. Saving my energy for the TM training run tomorrow.
Buy in:
800m run
Shoulder dislocates
2 x 10 Overhead squats with dowel
2 x 10 75# Good mornings
Deadlift 5-3-1+
Bench Press 5-3-1+
No WOD today. Saving my energy for the TM training run tomorrow.
111021 Tough Mudder Conditioning
Four TM teammates and I met at VFP at 7am for a conditioning WOD. Because of the number of guys and minimal equipment I didn't time it as there were periods of waiting for someone else to finish but the recovery allowed you to go all out at each station. Everyone was pretty gassed at the end.
100 m Tire Push 86 lbs
21 Box Jump (14 in.)s
21 Dumbbell Thrusters 20 lbs
50 m Tire Pull 86 lbs
50 m Squatting Power Row 86 lbs
15 Box Jump (14 in.)s
15 Dumbbell Thrusters 20 lbs
50 m Tire Push 86 lbs
50 m Home Run 86 lbs
9 Box Jump (14 in.)s
9 Dumbbell Thrusters 20 lbs
200 m Tire Push
Cash out:
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
Bar Dips
100 m Tire Push 86 lbs
21 Box Jump (14 in.)s
21 Dumbbell Thrusters 20 lbs
50 m Tire Pull 86 lbs
50 m Squatting Power Row 86 lbs
15 Box Jump (14 in.)s
15 Dumbbell Thrusters 20 lbs
50 m Tire Push 86 lbs
50 m Home Run 86 lbs
9 Box Jump (14 in.)s
9 Dumbbell Thrusters 20 lbs
200 m Tire Push
Cash out:
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
Bar Dips
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
111019 Burpee Box-Jumps, Push Press
5/3/1 C1 w3d2
Buy in:
5min jump rope
shoulder mob
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
Shoulder Press 5(75%)-3(85%)-1+(95%)
60 | 70 | 85
105 | 120 | 135(7)(2-rep PR)
15-12-9 for time of:
Burpee Box-jumps (20")
100# Push Press
Time: 7:24
Cash out:
20-15-10 Push-ups
Buy in:
5min jump rope
shoulder mob
RRPuP Step 7:
4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2
Shoulder Press 5(75%)-3(85%)-1+(95%)
60 | 70 | 85
105 | 120 | 135(7)(2-rep PR)
15-12-9 for time of:
Burpee Box-jumps (20")
100# Push Press
Time: 7:24
Cash out:
20-15-10 Push-ups
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
111018 Squat Clean, Kettlebell Swings
5/3/1 C1 w3d1
1.5mi walk
RRPuP-Step 7:
Buy in:
5min jump rope
hip mob
2 rounds of:
20 lunges
20 sit-ups
Back Squat 5(75%)-3(85%)-1+(95%)
105(5) | 130(5) | 160(3)
195(5) | 225(3) | 250(5)(10#PR!)
WOD from 111015:
The Porch:
Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Squat clean, 7 reps
14 Dumbbell swings, 55#
Time: 17:11
Hard. Cleans were broken into 2 and 3 chunk sets. DB swings were unbroken until the last 2 rounds. I really felt wrecked after this.
1.5mi walk
RRPuP-Step 7:
Buy in:
5min jump rope
hip mob
2 rounds of:
20 lunges
20 sit-ups
Back Squat 5(75%)-3(85%)-1+(95%)
105(5) | 130(5) | 160(3)
195(5) | 225(3) | 250(5)(10#PR!)
WOD from 111015:
The Porch:
Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Squat clean, 7 reps
14 Dumbbell swings, 55#
Time: 17:11
Hard. Cleans were broken into 2 and 3 chunk sets. DB swings were unbroken until the last 2 rounds. I really felt wrecked after this.
Monday, October 17, 2011
111017 5/3/1 Bench Press
5/3/1 C1 w2d4
Bench day was yesterday, but because of the TM run I opted to do it today. This was supposed to be a rest day but I chose to work on some low-intensity skill stuff.
Buy in:
5min walk
10 Burpees
2 x 10 20# DB Sotts press
Stage 6 rest day (1/3 volume)
2 | 1 | 1 | 1
Bench Press 3-3-3+
75(5) | 95(5) | 115(3)
130 | 150 | 170(12)
3 x 10 ab roll-outs
dips (weighted)
5(BW) | 5 x 25# | 5 x 35#
3 x :30 static handstand holds
Squat clean 3 x 5
95 | 115 | 135
The Recon Ron Pull-up Program seems to be working. My pulls are getting easier and form has been rock-solid. Amazing how when you work at something you get better. Go figure.
Bench day was yesterday, but because of the TM run I opted to do it today. This was supposed to be a rest day but I chose to work on some low-intensity skill stuff.
Buy in:
5min walk
10 Burpees
2 x 10 20# DB Sotts press
Stage 6 rest day (1/3 volume)
2 | 1 | 1 | 1
Bench Press 3-3-3+
75(5) | 95(5) | 115(3)
130 | 150 | 170(12)
3 x 10 ab roll-outs
dips (weighted)
5(BW) | 5 x 25# | 5 x 35#
3 x :30 static handstand holds
Squat clean 3 x 5
95 | 115 | 135
The Recon Ron Pull-up Program seems to be working. My pulls are getting easier and form has been rock-solid. Amazing how when you work at something you get better. Go figure.
111016 TM Training Run
ToughMudder Training Run at VFP
Buy in:
2 x 200m Tire Push
2 x 200m Tire Pull
6.5 mi run
115 x various push-ups
15 Australian pull-ups
Time: 4hrs
Stage 6
4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2
Buy in:
2 x 200m Tire Push
2 x 200m Tire Pull
6.5 mi run
115 x various push-ups
15 Australian pull-ups
Time: 4hrs
Stage 6
4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2
111015 5/3/1 Deadlifts
5/3/1 C1 w2d3
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 x 10 20#KB Sotts press
2 x 20 20# KB swings
2 rounds Burgener warm-up
Deadlift 3 x 3
130(5) | 165(5) | 195(3)
230 | 260 | 295(6-PR)
Stage 6
4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 x 10 20#KB Sotts press
2 x 20 20# KB swings
2 rounds Burgener warm-up
Deadlift 3 x 3
130(5) | 165(5) | 195(3)
230 | 260 | 295(6-PR)
Stage 6
4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2
Friday, October 14, 2011
111014 Tire WOD 2
Workout @ VFP
800m run
200m tire push
100m tire pull
100m Squatting power row
50m Home run (left)
50m Home run (right)
100m tire push
100m tire pull
100m squatting power row
16 tire throws
Load: 85#
Time: ≈40:00
Cash out:
5min jump rope
Recon Ron Pull-up Program: Stage 6; 4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2
Bar Dips 4 x 10
Kroc Rows 75# x 15 (ea. side)
K2E (with ab straps) 3 x 15
800m run
200m tire push
100m tire pull
100m Squatting power row
50m Home run (left)
50m Home run (right)
100m tire push
100m tire pull
100m squatting power row
16 tire throws
Load: 85#
Time: ≈40:00
Cash out:
5min jump rope
Recon Ron Pull-up Program: Stage 6; 4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2
Bar Dips 4 x 10
Kroc Rows 75# x 15 (ea. side)
K2E (with ab straps) 3 x 15
Thursday, October 13, 2011
111013 Rest Day
Active rest
1mi walk
Recon Ron Pull-up Program: stage 6
4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2
1mi walk
Recon Ron Pull-up Program: stage 6
4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2
111012 Tabata Double-Unders
5/3/1 C1 w2d2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
20 20#KB Sotts press (10 ea. side)
20 sit-ups
Shoulder Press 3 x 3
60 | 70 | 85
100 | 115 | 130(7)PR!
Recon Ron Pull-up Program: stage 6
4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2
Ring Dips
8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1
WOD from 111007:
Tabata Double-Unders
Score: 7 (17, 12, 7, 10, 13, 9, 8, 7)
Afternoon WOD:
3min row (data unknown, cpu broken)
Sprint 6 x 100 (untimed but all-out effort)
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
20 20#KB Sotts press (10 ea. side)
20 sit-ups
Shoulder Press 3 x 3
60 | 70 | 85
100 | 115 | 130(7)PR!
Recon Ron Pull-up Program: stage 6
4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2
Ring Dips
8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1
WOD from 111007:
Tabata Double-Unders
Score: 7 (17, 12, 7, 10, 13, 9, 8, 7)
Afternoon WOD:
3min row (data unknown, cpu broken)
Sprint 6 x 100 (untimed but all-out effort)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
111011 Running and Snatches
5/3/1 C1 w2d1
Buy in:
5min jump rope
2 rounds Burgener warm-up
Recon Ron Pull-up Program:
Step 6:4,3,2,2,2
Back Squat 3 x 3
105(5) | 130(5) | 160(3)
185 | 210 | 235(8)
WOD from 111006:
Run 800 meters
15 Hang squat snatch
Run 800 meters
15 Squat snatch from mid-thigh
Run 800 meters
15 Squat snatch
Score: 16:37 @ 55 | 65 | 75
Runs scaled to 400M
Cash out:
ab roll-outs 3 x 10
Buy in:
5min jump rope
2 rounds Burgener warm-up
Recon Ron Pull-up Program:
Step 6:4,3,2,2,2
Back Squat 3 x 3
105(5) | 130(5) | 160(3)
185 | 210 | 235(8)
WOD from 111006:
Run 800 meters
15 Hang squat snatch
Run 800 meters
15 Squat snatch from mid-thigh
Run 800 meters
15 Squat snatch
Score: 16:37 @ 55 | 65 | 75
Runs scaled to 400M
Cash out:
ab roll-outs 3 x 10
Sunday, October 9, 2011
111009 1/2 Cindy
5/3/1 C1 w1d6
10mi bike ride
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 Sotts Presses 20#KB (left)
10 Sotts Presses 20#KB (right)
20 20#KB swings
Bench Press 3 x 5
75x5 | 95x5 | 115x3
125 | 140 | 160(14)
WOD from 111008:
1/2 Cindy
10min AMRAP of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Score: 8 + 5 pull-ups
Pull-ups kipped, C2B and unassisted
Cash out:
2mi run
while on the route:
10 side hurdles
20 duck-unders
50 Sit-ups
4 passes on the monkey bars
10 burpee pull-ups
10mi bike ride
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 Sotts Presses 20#KB (left)
10 Sotts Presses 20#KB (right)
20 20#KB swings
Bench Press 3 x 5
75x5 | 95x5 | 115x3
125 | 140 | 160(14)
WOD from 111008:
1/2 Cindy
10min AMRAP of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Score: 8 + 5 pull-ups
Pull-ups kipped, C2B and unassisted
Cash out:
2mi run
while on the route:
10 side hurdles
20 duck-unders
50 Sit-ups
4 passes on the monkey bars
10 burpee pull-ups
111008 HSPU, C2B Pull-Ups & Lunges
5/3/1 C1 w1d5
Buy in:
Foam rolling
5 min jump rope
Deadlifts 3 x 5
135 | 165 | 195(3)
215 | 245 | 280(9-PR)
WOD from 111003:
3 rounds for time of:
Three rounds for time of:
3 Handstand push-ups
6 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
12 Weighted walking lunges, 25 pound dumbbells
Time: 3:33
Cash out:
100m tire push (166#)
50m squatting power row (86#)
Pull-ups 6-5-4-3-2-1
Muscle snatch 45# x 5 x 5
Wanted to keep the WOD <10min but I still scaled too much. Saved a lot of time by kipping the PUs. And PUs were unassisted. The tire work made up for the short WOD.
Buy in:
Foam rolling
5 min jump rope
Deadlifts 3 x 5
135 | 165 | 195(3)
215 | 245 | 280(9-PR)
WOD from 111003:
3 rounds for time of:
Three rounds for time of:
3 Handstand push-ups
6 Chest-to-bar pull-ups
12 Weighted walking lunges, 25 pound dumbbells
Time: 3:33
Cash out:
100m tire push (166#)
50m squatting power row (86#)
Pull-ups 6-5-4-3-2-1
Muscle snatch 45# x 5 x 5
Wanted to keep the WOD <10min but I still scaled too much. Saved a lot of time by kipping the PUs. And PUs were unassisted. The tire work made up for the short WOD.
Friday, October 7, 2011
111007 Tha 'Wood
Saw this one posted on the CFJ today. It was taken from Pat Sherwood's FB page. A classic CF-style WOD in that it looks a lot easier on paper.
Buy in:
2 rounds of:
15 squats
15 push-ups
25 sit-ups
4 rounds for time of:
30 Double Unders
20 75# Overhead Squats
15 20# Wall Balls
10 Burpees
Break for 2-3 min after each round
Time: 31:07
Buy in:
2 rounds of:
15 squats
15 push-ups
25 sit-ups
4 rounds for time of:
30 Double Unders
20 75# Overhead Squats
15 20# Wall Balls
10 Burpees
Break for 2-3 min after each round
Time: 31:07
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
111005 Joshie
5/3/1 C1 w1d2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Shoulder Press 5-5-5+
1RM(90% 155) loading ≈ 65% | 75% | 85%
45(15) | 90 | 105 | 120(11)
WOD from 110930
Complete three rounds for time of:
30 pound Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps, right arm
15 Pull-ups (blue band)
30 pound Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps, left arm
15 Pull-ups (blue band)
Post time to comments.
These are squat not power snatches.
Time: 20:08
Compare to 100712.
25 pound Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps, right arm
15 assisted Pull-ups
25 pound Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps, left arm
15 assisted Pull-ups
Time: 24:50
Cash out:
Scapular retraction work
Y T L's
8# x 8 x 3
5min jump rope
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Shoulder Press 5-5-5+
1RM(90% 155) loading ≈ 65% | 75% | 85%
45(15) | 90 | 105 | 120(11)
WOD from 110930
Complete three rounds for time of:
30 pound Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps, right arm
15 Pull-ups (blue band)
30 pound Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps, left arm
15 Pull-ups (blue band)
Post time to comments.
These are squat not power snatches.
Time: 20:08
Compare to 100712.
25 pound Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps, right arm
15 assisted Pull-ups
25 pound Dumbbell snatch, 15 reps, left arm
15 assisted Pull-ups
Time: 24:50
Cash out:
Scapular retraction work
Y T L's
8# x 8 x 3
5min jump rope
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
111004 Tire WOD 1
5/3/1 c1 w1d1
Buy in:
dynamic stretching then
2 rounds of:
10 squats
20 push-ups
20 sit-ups
Back squat 5-5-5+
1RM loading ≈ 65% | 75% | 85%
165 | 195 | 220(6)
Front Squat 1RM 60%(125) x 15 x 3
Tire WOD 1
for time:
100m tire push
100m squatting power row
100m tire push
25m home run (right side)
25m home run (left side)
50m tire push
Load: 85#
Time: ≈14:00
To add some variety to my strength training I decided to take a break from CFSB and do a cycle of 5/3/1. All of the weight felt heavy today. I think it has do to with the fact that I've recently added in some longer distance runs during the week. I have to be willing to make the sacrifice as I feel like I need to get those miles in for the ToughMudder.
I was looking forward to having another go with the tire today and it was a killer. Completely smoked afterwards. I got some ideas from Chris Mason's WannaBeBig tire training article and Bucknell University's strength & conditioning coach Jerry Schreck.
Movement examples:
Tire Push
Squatting Power Row
Home Run
Buy in:
dynamic stretching then
2 rounds of:
10 squats
20 push-ups
20 sit-ups
Back squat 5-5-5+
1RM loading ≈ 65% | 75% | 85%
165 | 195 | 220(6)
Front Squat 1RM 60%(125) x 15 x 3
Tire WOD 1
for time:
100m tire push
100m squatting power row
100m tire push
25m home run (right side)
25m home run (left side)
50m tire push
Load: 85#
Time: ≈14:00
To add some variety to my strength training I decided to take a break from CFSB and do a cycle of 5/3/1. All of the weight felt heavy today. I think it has do to with the fact that I've recently added in some longer distance runs during the week. I have to be willing to make the sacrifice as I feel like I need to get those miles in for the ToughMudder.
I was looking forward to having another go with the tire today and it was a killer. Completely smoked afterwards. I got some ideas from Chris Mason's WannaBeBig tire training article and Bucknell University's strength & conditioning coach Jerry Schreck.
Movement examples:
Tire Push
Squatting Power Row
Home Run
Sunday, October 2, 2011
111002 Wall ball, Toes to bar, Box jumps
CFSB C3 w7d6 de-load week
Buy in:
800m run
3 rounds of:
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 squats
Shoulder press 3 x 5
95 | 115 | 125
WOD from 110926:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball <--12#
10 Toes to bar
10 Box jumps, 24” box<--21.75"
Score: 7 rounds + 10 wall ball shots
Cash out:
75m tire(85#) drags x 6
While on the trail run yesterday we found a 85# truck tire, so we decided to bring it home, clean it up and use it in our training. Built the harness out of some spare rope, carabiner, a bungee cord and my weight belt this morning. The plan was to do 100m sprints but it proved to be too much. The sprints wound up being about 60m then quickly broke down to walking then barely moving at all. My legs were totally spent at the end and the burn in my hips and glutes were like nothing I ever experienced.
I'm hooked. Going to do this 1 x week. This should prove valuable for the upcoming ToughMudder.
Buy in:
800m run
3 rounds of:
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 squats
Shoulder press 3 x 5
95 | 115 | 125
WOD from 110926:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball <--12#
10 Toes to bar
10 Box jumps, 24” box<--21.75"
Score: 7 rounds + 10 wall ball shots
Cash out:
75m tire(85#) drags x 6
While on the trail run yesterday we found a 85# truck tire, so we decided to bring it home, clean it up and use it in our training. Built the harness out of some spare rope, carabiner, a bungee cord and my weight belt this morning. The plan was to do 100m sprints but it proved to be too much. The sprints wound up being about 60m then quickly broke down to walking then barely moving at all. My legs were totally spent at the end and the burn in my hips and glutes were like nothing I ever experienced.
I'm hooked. Going to do this 1 x week. This should prove valuable for the upcoming ToughMudder.
111001 Trail Run
Decided to take it easy today.
Front Squat 3 x 5
115 | 135 | 165
3 mi trail run with the family at Core Creek.
Front Squat 3 x 5
115 | 135 | 165
3 mi trail run with the family at Core Creek.
110930 Snatch
CFSB C3 w7d4 de-load week
Buy in:
.5mi run
3 rounds of:
10 overhead squats
10 dips
20 sit-ups
20 good mornings
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Cash out:
Bench press 5 x 5
135 | 155 | 175 | 185 | 205(3)PR!
5min AMRAP of:
5 manmakers
5 bar dips
Score: 3 rounds + 5 manmakers + 3 dips
Buy in:
.5mi run
3 rounds of:
10 overhead squats
10 dips
20 sit-ups
20 good mornings
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Cash out:
Bench press 5 x 5
135 | 155 | 175 | 185 | 205(3)PR!
5min AMRAP of:
5 manmakers
5 bar dips
Score: 3 rounds + 5 manmakers + 3 dips
Thursday, September 29, 2011
110929 Run 5mi
Was a scheduled rest day but I decided to make it an active one. Ran the 5mi loop at Valley Forge State Park. Nice, easy pace.
Time: 46:06
Time: 46:06
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
110928 Santiago
Lots of mobility work
WOD from 110924:
Seven rounds for time of:
35 pound Dumbbell hang squat clean, 18 reps
18 Pull-ups
135 pound Power clean, 10 reps
10 Handstand push-ups
30# DBs
Blue band PUs
Bridged push-ups
Time: 53:17
Suffer-fest. War Ensemble ( helped me get through at the end.
R.I.P. SGT Santiago
Lots of mobility work
WOD from 110924:
Seven rounds for time of:
35 pound Dumbbell hang squat clean, 18 reps
18 Pull-ups
135 pound Power clean, 10 reps
10 Handstand push-ups
30# DBs
Blue band PUs
Bridged push-ups
Time: 53:17
Suffer-fest. War Ensemble ( helped me get through at the end.
R.I.P. SGT Santiago
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
110927 2011 CrossFit Games Event 4
CFSB C3 w7d1 de-load week
Buy in:
2 rounds of:
6 20# DB Manmakers
Back Squat 3 x 5
135(10) | 155(8) | 185 | 205 | 225
WOD warm-up:
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
WOD from 110921:
For time:
5 muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 50 yards
5 muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 100 yards
5 Muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 150 yards
5 muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 200 yards
Post time to comments.
Compare to 110731.
MU's blue band-assisted
DL's 225#
Time: 12:35
First time doing this one.
Cash out:
Felt like my time was decent. Did everything unbroken.
Buy in:
2 rounds of:
6 20# DB Manmakers
Back Squat 3 x 5
135(10) | 155(8) | 185 | 205 | 225
WOD warm-up:
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 2
WOD from 110921:
For time:
5 muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 50 yards
5 muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 100 yards
5 Muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 150 yards
5 muscle ups
245 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 GHD Sit-ups
Sprint 200 yards
Post time to comments.
Compare to 110731.
MU's blue band-assisted
DL's 225#
Time: 12:35
First time doing this one.
Cash out:
Felt like my time was decent. Did everything unbroken.
Monday, September 26, 2011
110925 Fran
CFSB C3 w6d6. 1RM test
Buy in:
800m run
3 rounds of:
10 45# overhead squats
4 pull-ups
Shoulder Press 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
65(10) | 75(8) | 95 | 115 | 135(1) | 145(1) | 155(PR!)
21-15-9 of
95# thruster
pull-ups (blue band)
Time: 5:26
Compared to 110614
Cash out:
Family bike ride and trail run (about 9mi total)
Buy in:
800m run
3 rounds of:
10 45# overhead squats
4 pull-ups
Shoulder Press 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
65(10) | 75(8) | 95 | 115 | 135(1) | 145(1) | 155(PR!)
21-15-9 of
95# thruster
pull-ups (blue band)
Time: 5:26
Compared to 110614
Cash out:
Family bike ride and trail run (about 9mi total)
110924 Run a 5K
CFSB C3 w6d5
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
3 rounds of:
20 squats
17 push-ups
20 sit-ups
Front Squat 3 x 3
45(10) | 135 | 155 | 175
HR Back squat
175# x 12
Run 5K
Time: 22:06
Cash Out:
Box Squat 135# x 10 x 2
Very tired from the night before. Didn't sleep too well, and only got 5.5 hrs. Just wasn't feeling it today. All of the weight felt HEAVY. Wanted to go for 200# but I struggled with 175.
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
3 rounds of:
20 squats
17 push-ups
20 sit-ups
Front Squat 3 x 3
45(10) | 135 | 155 | 175
HR Back squat
175# x 12
Run 5K
Time: 22:06
Cash Out:
Box Squat 135# x 10 x 2
Very tired from the night before. Didn't sleep too well, and only got 5.5 hrs. Just wasn't feeling it today. All of the weight felt HEAVY. Wanted to go for 200# but I struggled with 175.
Friday, September 23, 2011
110923 Fight Gone Bad
CFSB C3 w6d4
Buy in:
5min jump rope
3 rounds of:
20 squats
20 sit-ups
15 push-ups
WOD from 110917:
“Fight Gone Bad!”
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps) <—12# Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps) Box Jump, 20” box (Reps) Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps) Row (Calories) <—SDHP w/ 45# bar Score: 295
Cash out:
1/2 mi walk/run
Buy in:
5min jump rope
3 rounds of:
20 squats
20 sit-ups
15 push-ups
WOD from 110917:
“Fight Gone Bad!”
Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps) <—12# Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps) Box Jump, 20” box (Reps) Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps) Row (Calories) <—SDHP w/ 45# bar Score: 295
Cash out:
1/2 mi walk/run
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
110921 Split Jerk
CFSB C3 w6d2 1RM test
Buy in:
5 min easy cycling (stationary)
2 rounds of:
10 burpees
20 sit-ups
10 bar dips
Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Previous PR: 360
360 went up and I thought for sure I could get more. Both 380 & 370 felt like they were bolted to the floor. Disappointed that there was no progress.
WOD from 110918:
Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Compare to 101227
Score: 95(3)-135-155-165-175-190-200
Compared to 101227: 155-160-160-165-170-175-180
The last rep I had to press out but I got it up. I'll take a 20# increase. It's up 50# from the first time (100904).
Cash out:
10 min AMRAP of:
10 Burpees
20 70# DB swings
20 35# Overhead Walking Lunges
Score: 2 rounds + 10 burpees + 20 swings + 3 lunges
Buy in:
5 min easy cycling (stationary)
2 rounds of:
10 burpees
20 sit-ups
10 bar dips
Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Previous PR: 360
360 went up and I thought for sure I could get more. Both 380 & 370 felt like they were bolted to the floor. Disappointed that there was no progress.
WOD from 110918:
Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Compare to 101227
Score: 95(3)-135-155-165-175-190-200
Compared to 101227: 155-160-160-165-170-175-180
The last rep I had to press out but I got it up. I'll take a 20# increase. It's up 50# from the first time (100904).
Cash out:
10 min AMRAP of:
10 Burpees
20 70# DB swings
20 35# Overhead Walking Lunges
Score: 2 rounds + 10 burpees + 20 swings + 3 lunges
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
110920 Lynne
CFSB C3 w6d1
1RM test day
Buy in:
5 min on stationary bike
3 rounds of:
10 burpees
20 sit-ups
10 bar dips
Back squat 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press (scaled to 90%/185#)
Pull-ups (blue band assisted)
Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.
Compare to 110415.
Score: 8/16-8/17-7/20-7/23-7/24 @185# and blue band
110415: 1/5-1/5-2/5-2/6-0/5 @195# and no band
Cash out:
Power clean 3 x 5
Stoked to get 300#! It was a long-term goal and I finally got it. It took 2 attempts to get there as the first failed. Lost my concentration out of the hole and stalled. Luckily I was in the cage w/ safety pins today. 2nd attempt was still very hard but I pushed through it. Was a little lightheaded at the end.
As for Lynne, had to scale the BP as I would have been looking at sets of 1. Still scaling the pull-ups so I can get some good work in. The first 2 sets were dead hangs and the rest of the sets were kipped (badly). Started to get into a groove which is probably why the reps went up as opposed to going down. Very rarely do I ever go to failure on the pull-ups so part of it may have been a mental thing.
1RM test day
Buy in:
5 min on stationary bike
3 rounds of:
10 burpees
20 sit-ups
10 bar dips
Back squat 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press (scaled to 90%/185#)
Pull-ups (blue band assisted)
Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.
Compare to 110415.
Score: 8/16-8/17-7/20-7/23-7/24 @185# and blue band
110415: 1/5-1/5-2/5-2/6-0/5 @195# and no band
Cash out:
Power clean 3 x 5
Stoked to get 300#! It was a long-term goal and I finally got it. It took 2 attempts to get there as the first failed. Lost my concentration out of the hole and stalled. Luckily I was in the cage w/ safety pins today. 2nd attempt was still very hard but I pushed through it. Was a little lightheaded at the end.
As for Lynne, had to scale the BP as I would have been looking at sets of 1. Still scaling the pull-ups so I can get some good work in. The first 2 sets were dead hangs and the rest of the sets were kipped (badly). Started to get into a groove which is probably why the reps went up as opposed to going down. Very rarely do I ever go to failure on the pull-ups so part of it may have been a mental thing.
Monday, September 19, 2011
110918 400M, Thruster, Pull-ups
CFSB C3 w5d6
Buy in:
1 mi run
Pull-ups 3 x 4
Shoulder press 5 x 3
45(10) | 55(10) | 95 | 115 | 125 | 135(1) | 150(PR!)
WOD from 110912:
Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Pull-ups (blue band assist)
Time: 20:53
Cash out:
5mi family bike ride
Brutal WOD. Run + Thrusters = Suck. This one crushed me.
Surprised myself with the shoulder press PR. Didn’t think I could get the 3. Stalled about halfway up on the last rep but fought it up.
Buy in:
1 mi run
Pull-ups 3 x 4
Shoulder press 5 x 3
45(10) | 55(10) | 95 | 115 | 125 | 135(1) | 150(PR!)
WOD from 110912:
Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
95 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Pull-ups (blue band assist)
Time: 20:53
Cash out:
5mi family bike ride
Brutal WOD. Run + Thrusters = Suck. This one crushed me.
Surprised myself with the shoulder press PR. Didn’t think I could get the 3. Stalled about halfway up on the last rep but fought it up.
110917 Overhead Squat, Front Squat, Back Squat
CFSB C3 w5d5
Buy in:
10 min cycling
2 rounds of:
45# OHS x 10
45# Good Mornings x 15
WOD from 110913:
Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Try to increase the load on each of the fifteen sets.
OHS: 95-105-125-140-150
FS: 155-165-175-190-205
BS: 225-235-245-255-265
On first attempt at 235# I broke tension coming out of the hole and failed falling backwards and bar crashing down. Luckily unscathed. I gave it another attempt as I knew the failure was technique-related and not weight. Got it right up and continued on. Gotta admit the fail was scary.
Buy in:
10 min cycling
2 rounds of:
45# OHS x 10
45# Good Mornings x 15
WOD from 110913:
Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Try to increase the load on each of the fifteen sets.
OHS: 95-105-125-140-150
FS: 155-165-175-190-205
BS: 225-235-245-255-265
On first attempt at 235# I broke tension coming out of the hole and failed falling backwards and bar crashing down. Luckily unscathed. I gave it another attempt as I knew the failure was technique-related and not weight. Got it right up and continued on. Gotta admit the fail was scary.
Friday, September 16, 2011
110916 Double Unders, Run
CFSB C3 w5d4
Buy in:
10 min bike ride
2 rounds of:
20 push-ups
30 sit-ups
Five rounds for time of:
35 Double-unders
Run 200 meters
Time: 23:39
Can't recall ever being that aggravated during a WOD. The number of expletives probably eclipsed the number of DUs by a factor of 10. Had to use the shitty Nike rope for the DUs and just couldn't find that groove. Blaming the equipment is weak-sauce, but today it was all about the equipment. With a Rogue speed rope the time could have easily been cut in half. Should have just done tuck jumps.
Buy in:
10 min bike ride
2 rounds of:
20 push-ups
30 sit-ups
Five rounds for time of:
35 Double-unders
Run 200 meters
Time: 23:39
Can't recall ever being that aggravated during a WOD. The number of expletives probably eclipsed the number of DUs by a factor of 10. Had to use the shitty Nike rope for the DUs and just couldn't find that groove. Blaming the equipment is weak-sauce, but today it was all about the equipment. With a Rogue speed rope the time could have easily been cut in half. Should have just done tuck jumps.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
110914 Deadlifts
CFSB C3 w5d2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# OHS
15 45# Good Mornings
3 pull-ups
15 45# Shoulder Press
Strength/WOD from 110909:
Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
Post load(s) to comments.
Compare to 101207.
Compared to 101209:
Tried to get 310 but could barely move it off the floor. Still happy with 305 for 2. Had to progressively step it down after. Ran out of steam real quick.
HR set:
195# x 15-12-9
Cash out:
Scapular retraction work
2 rounds of:
10 10# Y-T-L's
PR by 20#. Smarter about ramping up the weight this time. Felt like I may have been able to get 10-20 more. Efficacy of the CFSB programming is evident.
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 45# OHS
15 45# Good Mornings
3 pull-ups
15 45# Shoulder Press
Strength/WOD from 110909:
Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2
Post load(s) to comments.
Compare to 101207.
Compared to 101209:
Tried to get 310 but could barely move it off the floor. Still happy with 305 for 2. Had to progressively step it down after. Ran out of steam real quick.
HR set:
195# x 15-12-9
Cash out:
Scapular retraction work
2 rounds of:
10 10# Y-T-L's
PR by 20#. Smarter about ramping up the weight this time. Felt like I may have been able to get 10-20 more. Efficacy of the CFSB programming is evident.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
110913 Tabata Squats & 1mi run
CFSB C3 w5d1
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
15 V-ups
10 Ring dips
Back squat 3 x 3
75(5) | 135(5) | 185 | 225 | 245(PR!)
WOD from 110910:
Tabata “Bottom to Bottom” Squat
Run 1 mile
Clock starts for run on rising from last squat.
Post Tabata score and mile time to comments.
Compare to 101223.
Tabata: 10
Run: 7:08
Compared to 101225
Tabata score: 7 (9 -2 for stopping at top)
Run time: 7:20
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
15 V-ups
10 Ring dips
Back squat 3 x 3
75(5) | 135(5) | 185 | 225 | 245(PR!)
WOD from 110910:
Tabata “Bottom to Bottom” Squat
Run 1 mile
Clock starts for run on rising from last squat.
Post Tabata score and mile time to comments.
Compare to 101223.
Tabata: 10
Run: 7:08
Compared to 101225
Tabata score: 7 (9 -2 for stopping at top)
Run time: 7:20
Sunday, September 11, 2011
110911 Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
Buy in:
5mi bike ride
Shoulder Press 5 x 3
95 | 115 | 125 | 135(1) | 145(PR!)
HR set 95# x 19
Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
95 | 105 | 115 | 125 | 135 | 155
Cash out:
Power cleans
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 (f)
5mi bike ride
Shoulder Press 5 x 3
95 | 115 | 125 | 135(1) | 145(PR!)
HR set 95# x 19
Thruster 3-3-3-3-3-3-3
95 | 105 | 115 | 125 | 135 | 155
Cash out:
Power cleans
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1 (f)
110910 Family Ride to 9/11 Memorial
CFSB C3 w4d5
Front Squat 5 x 3
135 | 155 | 165 | 175 | 205(f x 2)
HR Back Squat
165# x 12-9-6
Family bike ride to the 9/11 Memorial and Shadybrook farms
Time: 3:30:00
Cash out:
Hollow rocks 3 x :60 w/ :60 breaks
Front Squat 5 x 3
135 | 155 | 165 | 175 | 205(f x 2)
HR Back Squat
165# x 12-9-6
Family bike ride to the 9/11 Memorial and Shadybrook farms
Time: 3:30:00
Cash out:
Hollow rocks 3 x :60 w/ :60 breaks
110909 Beast 12
CFSB C3 w4d4
Buy in;
5 min jump rope
2 x Burgener warm-up (1 w/65#)
For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbbells
25 Good mornings
30 Wall ball shots, 12 pound ball
3 Rope climb ascents
Time: 24:27
Cash out:
Snatch Pulls 5 x 3
85 | 135 | 155 | 175 | 185
Snatch High Pulls 5 x 3
65 | 75 | 85 | 115 | 125
Power Snatch 4 x 3
75 | 95 | 105 | 115
Buy in;
5 min jump rope
2 x Burgener warm-up (1 w/65#)
For time:
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbbells
25 Good mornings
30 Wall ball shots, 12 pound ball
3 Rope climb ascents
Time: 24:27
Cash out:
Snatch Pulls 5 x 3
85 | 135 | 155 | 175 | 185
Snatch High Pulls 5 x 3
65 | 75 | 85 | 115 | 125
Power Snatch 4 x 3
75 | 95 | 105 | 115
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
110907 Meadows—RIP
CFSB C3 w4d2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
400m run
3 rounds of:
3 ring pull-ups
20 good mornings
Burgener warm-up
Romanian Deadlifts 5 x 5
45(10) | 145 | 185 | 205 | 215(PR!)
HR set RDL 145# x 20
WOD from 110905 (pack scale):
For time:
10 Muscle-ups (blue band)
15 Lowers from an inverted hang on the rings, slowly, with straight body and arms
20 handstand push-ups
25 Ring rows
30 Ring push-ups
Post time to comments.
Time: 17:20
Cash out:
3 x 20 lunges
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
400m run
3 rounds of:
3 ring pull-ups
20 good mornings
Burgener warm-up
Romanian Deadlifts 5 x 5
45(10) | 145 | 185 | 205 | 215(PR!)
HR set RDL 145# x 20
WOD from 110905 (pack scale):
For time:
10 Muscle-ups (blue band)
15 Lowers from an inverted hang on the rings, slowly, with straight body and arms
20 handstand push-ups
25 Ring rows
30 Ring push-ups
Post time to comments.
Time: 17:20
Cash out:
3 x 20 lunges
110906 Push Press, Run
CFSB C3 W4d1
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 air squats
Back Squat 5 x 5
135(10) | 165 | 185 | 205 | 240(PR!)
WOD my own creation:
5 min AMRAP of
7 x 135# Push press
100M run
Score: 4 rounds
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 air squats
Back Squat 5 x 5
135(10) | 165 | 185 | 205 | 240(PR!)
WOD my own creation:
5 min AMRAP of
7 x 135# Push press
100M run
Score: 4 rounds
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
110905 Active rest day
Did a family bike ride over to Newtown. About 8mi total.
110904 TM Training run
6.5 mi training run with the ToughMudder team. The trail at VFP was awesome and may have been the most fun I've ever had running. The new Minimus' were great on the trail.
110903 Power Cleans, Bar-facing Burpees
Buy in:
2 mi run
Front Squat 5 x 5
HR Back Squat
155# x 15
WOD from 110902:
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
135 pound Power clean
Bar-facing burpee
Post time to comments.
Time: 11:53
Cash out:
Weighted pull-ups #30 3 x 3
Floor presses 135# 8 x 3
Trail run 3 mi.
2 mi run
Front Squat 5 x 5
HR Back Squat
155# x 15
WOD from 110902:
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
135 pound Power clean
Bar-facing burpee
Post time to comments.
Time: 11:53
Cash out:
Weighted pull-ups #30 3 x 3
Floor presses 135# 8 x 3
Trail run 3 mi.
Friday, September 2, 2011
110902 Weighted Pull-ups
CFSB C3 w3d4
Buy in:
Easy 2 mi run (19:30)
Weighted pull-ups
Score: 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20
Cash out:
Weighted ring dips
Score: 0 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
Buy in:
Easy 2 mi run (19:30)
Weighted pull-ups
Score: 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20
Cash out:
Weighted ring dips
Score: 0 | 5 | 10 | 20 | 30
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
110831 Push Press, Jumping Lunges
CFSB C3 W3d2
Buy in:
800m run
15 Shoulder dislocates
15 leg swings ea. leg
2 rounds of:
12 15# DB front raises
12 15# DB lateral raises
10 Roll-outs
Romanian deadlift 3 x 5
105(10) | 145 | 175 | 205(PR)
HR set 155# RDL x 21
Eight rounds for max reps of:
75 pound Push press, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Jumping alternating lunge, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Score: 85 PP + 121 Lunges
Pull-ups 5 x 3 (all done with pull grip)
Buy in:
800m run
15 Shoulder dislocates
15 leg swings ea. leg
2 rounds of:
12 15# DB front raises
12 15# DB lateral raises
10 Roll-outs
Romanian deadlift 3 x 5
105(10) | 145 | 175 | 205(PR)
HR set 155# RDL x 21
Eight rounds for max reps of:
75 pound Push press, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Jumping alternating lunge, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Score: 85 PP + 121 Lunges
Pull-ups 5 x 3 (all done with pull grip)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
110830 Wall ball, Rope Climbs
CFSB C3 w3d1
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Shoulder and hip mob
2 rounds of:
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
Back Squat 3 x 5
45(10) | 135 | 165 | 205 | 235(PR)
WOD from 110827
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
15 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (used 12# ball)
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
Score: 5 rounds + 15 wall balls
Cash out:
Scapular retraction work
"YTWL"s: Each movement x 12
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Shoulder and hip mob
2 rounds of:
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
Back Squat 3 x 5
45(10) | 135 | 165 | 205 | 235(PR)
WOD from 110827
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
15 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (used 12# ball)
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
Score: 5 rounds + 15 wall balls
Cash out:
Scapular retraction work
"YTWL"s: Each movement x 12
110828 Cleans, Burpees
CFSB C3 w2d6
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Shoulder Press 3 x 5
45(8) | 95 | 115 | 140(3)
HR Set: 95# x 14
WOD from 110828:
Five rounds of:
3 Cleans
20 Burpees
Post total time and load.
Score: 15:18 @ 115#
Cash out:
Pull-ups 5 x 3
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Shoulder Press 3 x 5
45(8) | 95 | 115 | 140(3)
HR Set: 95# x 14
WOD from 110828:
Five rounds of:
3 Cleans
20 Burpees
Post total time and load.
Score: 15:18 @ 115#
Cash out:
Pull-ups 5 x 3
110827 Nancy
CFSB C3 w2d5
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Front Squat 5 x 5
65 | 75 | 95 | 135 | 195(4)
WOD from 110825
Five rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
Post total time.
Time: 17:30 (scaled to 3 rounds)
Compared to 110617
Time: 19:54 (completed all rounds w/ 75# OHS)
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Front Squat 5 x 5
65 | 75 | 95 | 135 | 195(4)
WOD from 110825
Five rounds for time of:
400 meter run
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
Post total time.
Time: 17:30 (scaled to 3 rounds)
Compared to 110617
Time: 19:54 (completed all rounds w/ 75# OHS)
On vacation down in OBX (cut short by Irene) last week. Got some strength, metcon and bike work in. All hard workouts but nothing for time and didn't keep records.
Monday, August 22, 2011
110821 Muscle-ups and squats
CFSB C3 w1d6
Buy in:
Jump rope
Shoulder press 3 x 5
95 | 105 | 115 | 137.5(2)
Hr set 95# x 15-12-9
For time:
3 rounds of:
12 muscle-ups (squat progession)
75 squats
Time: 11:22
Compared to 110125
Three rounds for time of:
8 Muscle-up progressions (Seated, Jumping or squat)
50 Squats
Time: 7:23
Buy in:
Jump rope
Shoulder press 3 x 5
95 | 105 | 115 | 137.5(2)
Hr set 95# x 15-12-9
For time:
3 rounds of:
12 muscle-ups (squat progession)
75 squats
Time: 11:22
Compared to 110125
Three rounds for time of:
8 Muscle-up progressions (Seated, Jumping or squat)
50 Squats
Time: 7:23
Sunday, August 21, 2011
110820 Isabel
CFSB C3 w1d5
Buy in:
11mi bike ride
Burgener warm-up x 2
Front squat 5-5-3-3-1-1-1
115 | 135 | 155 | 175 | 185 | 195 | 205(PR)
HR back squat
155# x 15-12-9
WOD from 110819
For time:
Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps
Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed.
65# Squat snatch
Time: 8:31
Compare to 100729
95# power snatch 30 reps
Time: 4:20
Was tired from the ride earlier. Warmed-up with 95# x 1 and failed. Scaled to 65# and did squat instead of power. Form was very good.
Buy in:
11mi bike ride
Burgener warm-up x 2
Front squat 5-5-3-3-1-1-1
115 | 135 | 155 | 175 | 185 | 195 | 205(PR)
HR back squat
155# x 15-12-9
WOD from 110819
For time:
Snatch 135 pounds, 30 reps
Use 95 pounds, 65 pounds or broomstick as needed.
65# Squat snatch
Time: 8:31
Compare to 100729
95# power snatch 30 reps
Time: 4:20
Was tired from the ride earlier. Warmed-up with 95# x 1 and failed. Scaled to 65# and did squat instead of power. Form was very good.
Friday, August 19, 2011
110819 Bradley—RIP
CFSB C3 w1d4
Buy in:
5 mi cycling
400m | 200m | 100m | 50m warm-up sprints
WOD from 110817:
10 rounds for time of:
Sprint 100 meters
10 Pull-ups
Sprint 100 meters
10 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds
Post total time.
Time: 32:09
All rounds unbroken. Pull-ups done with blue band. Sprints done as 2 x 50; out and back.
Buy in:
5 mi cycling
400m | 200m | 100m | 50m warm-up sprints
WOD from 110817:
10 rounds for time of:
Sprint 100 meters
10 Pull-ups
Sprint 100 meters
10 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds
Post total time.
Time: 32:09
All rounds unbroken. Pull-ups done with blue band. Sprints done as 2 x 50; out and back.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
110818 Active Rest Day
Active rest today. Just a light workout to get some more base miles in for the ToughMudder.
15 Push-ups
1mi run
15 Push-ups
1mi run
15 Burpees
15 Push-ups
1mi run
15 Push-ups
1mi run
15 Burpees
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
110817 5K
CFSB C3 w1d2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 Burpees
20 Sit-ups
10 OHS
Deadlift (conventional) 5 x 3
135(8) | 155(5) | 185 | 225 | 255 | 285 | 320(PR)
HR set:
195# x 12-9-6
Run 5K
Time: 21:53
Cash out:
Push-ups 3 x 15
DL PR felt great. Could have gotten 2 more reps. Last time I attempted 320 I got 1 then couldn't move the bar from the floor. I guess this could be attributed to me switching up the movement over the last month between sumo style (hips) and Romanian deads (hamstrings). Need to remember this.
Really pleased with my 5K time. Missed my PR by :15 and that's only having run this distance once over the past year. Had I done this fresh I think I might have gotten it.
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 Burpees
20 Sit-ups
10 OHS
Deadlift (conventional) 5 x 3
135(8) | 155(5) | 185 | 225 | 255 | 285 | 320(PR)
HR set:
195# x 12-9-6
Run 5K
Time: 21:53
Cash out:
Push-ups 3 x 15
DL PR felt great. Could have gotten 2 more reps. Last time I attempted 320 I got 1 then couldn't move the bar from the floor. I guess this could be attributed to me switching up the movement over the last month between sumo style (hips) and Romanian deads (hamstrings). Need to remember this.
Really pleased with my 5K time. Missed my PR by :15 and that's only having run this distance once over the past year. Had I done this fresh I think I might have gotten it.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
110816 Pull-up and HSPU ladder
CFSB C3 w1d1
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Burgener warm-up x 2
Back Squat 3 x 5
45(10) | 135(3) | 155(1) | 175(1) | 185 | 205 | 230(PR)
Weights are really getting heavy now. Had to fight for every rep on the last set. Form was a little sloppy on the last 2 reps. Since starting the program most strength days were completed first thing in the morning in a fasted state. Thinking I may have to wait until later in the day after I've had a chance to get some food in me.
With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up and one handstand push-up the first minute, two pull-ups and two handstand push-ups the second minute, three pull-ups and three handstand push-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able.
Use as many sets in any order each minute as needed.
Post number of minutes successfully completed for each exercise to comments. Their sum is your score.
Score: 15 (5 HSPU + 10 Pull-ups)
First time doing this WOD.
Cash out:
15 Push-ups x 2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Burgener warm-up x 2
Back Squat 3 x 5
45(10) | 135(3) | 155(1) | 175(1) | 185 | 205 | 230(PR)
Weights are really getting heavy now. Had to fight for every rep on the last set. Form was a little sloppy on the last 2 reps. Since starting the program most strength days were completed first thing in the morning in a fasted state. Thinking I may have to wait until later in the day after I've had a chance to get some food in me.
With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up and one handstand push-up the first minute, two pull-ups and two handstand push-ups the second minute, three pull-ups and three handstand push-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able.
Use as many sets in any order each minute as needed.
Post number of minutes successfully completed for each exercise to comments. Their sum is your score.
Score: 15 (5 HSPU + 10 Pull-ups)
First time doing this WOD.
Cash out:
15 Push-ups x 2
Sunday, August 14, 2011
110814 1RM Behind the Neck Jerk
CFSB C2 de-load week
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Shoulder mob (bands, dislocates)
2 rounds of:
45# OHS x 10
Jack Knife x 10
45# Good Mornings x 15
Shoulder Press 3 x 5
45 (10) | 65 | 95 | 115
WOD from 110813:
Behind the Neck Jerk
Compared to 110314
Cash out:
Two Hand DB Bent Over Rows 3 x 5
15(8) | 25 | 35 | 40
Felt great when I hit the 185PR and thought I could easily hit 205. Gave it 2 good attempts but couldn't get it completely locked out. Gave it one more shot at 195 but by then my shoulders were gassed. Still, it was an improvement and considering how jacked up my shoulders were from yesterdays ring push-ups, better than expected.
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Shoulder mob (bands, dislocates)
2 rounds of:
45# OHS x 10
Jack Knife x 10
45# Good Mornings x 15
Shoulder Press 3 x 5
45 (10) | 65 | 95 | 115
WOD from 110813:
Behind the Neck Jerk
Compared to 110314
Cash out:
Two Hand DB Bent Over Rows 3 x 5
15(8) | 25 | 35 | 40
Felt great when I hit the 185PR and thought I could easily hit 205. Gave it 2 good attempts but couldn't get it completely locked out. Gave it one more shot at 195 but by then my shoulders were gassed. Still, it was an improvement and considering how jacked up my shoulders were from yesterdays ring push-ups, better than expected.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
110813 "Gator"
CFSB C2 de-load week
Buy in:
21.5mi ride @ TT pace
Time: 1:13:50
Eight rounds for time of:
135 pound Front squat, 5 reps
26 Ring push-ups
Time: 31:58
Cash out:
Family bike ride
Push-ups were in chunks of 5-6.
Buy in:
21.5mi ride @ TT pace
Time: 1:13:50
Eight rounds for time of:
135 pound Front squat, 5 reps
26 Ring push-ups
Time: 31:58
Cash out:
Family bike ride
Push-ups were in chunks of 5-6.
Friday, August 12, 2011
110812 400M, Deadlift
CFSB C2 de-load week
Buy in:
2 rounds of:
10 Burpees
15 Sit-ups
10 Dips
5 Chin-ups
WOD from 110811:
AMRAP in 12min
Run 400M
5 Deadlift* (255#)
Score: 4 rounds + 400M + 3DLs
Compared to 101116
4 rounds + 300M
DLs @ 225#
Cash out:
Pistol progressions
10 x ea. leg of 2 legs down to bench, 1 up
10 x ea. leg of 1 leg down to bench, 2 up
*Reset on each DL rep
Buy in:
2 rounds of:
10 Burpees
15 Sit-ups
10 Dips
5 Chin-ups
WOD from 110811:
AMRAP in 12min
Run 400M
5 Deadlift* (255#)
Score: 4 rounds + 400M + 3DLs
Compared to 101116
4 rounds + 300M
DLs @ 225#
Cash out:
Pistol progressions
10 x ea. leg of 2 legs down to bench, 1 up
10 x ea. leg of 1 leg down to bench, 2 up
*Reset on each DL rep
Thursday, August 11, 2011
110811 Active Rest Day
2mi run in 17:30
Need to start adding running volume to prepare for the ToughMudder.
Need to start adding running volume to prepare for the ToughMudder.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
110810 Overhead Squat
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
15 shoulder dislocates
20 squats
15 V-ups
Bench Press 3 x 5
45# (10) | 115(65%) | 135(75%) | 155(85%) +5
Overhead Squat 5 x 3
45 | 65 | 95 | 135 | 145(2)
Shoulders just couldn't make it through the last rep. Overall pleased with my form. Midline was solid and I got down pretty deep.
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
15 shoulder dislocates
20 squats
15 V-ups
Bench Press 3 x 5
45# (10) | 115(65%) | 135(75%) | 155(85%) +5
Overhead Squat 5 x 3
45 | 65 | 95 | 135 | 145(2)
Shoulders just couldn't make it through the last rep. Overall pleased with my form. Midline was solid and I got down pretty deep.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
110809 Row
CFSB C2 de-load
A.M. Workout
Buy in:
15 Arm circles (per arm; f/b)
15 Leg swings (per leg)
10 Overhead squats
10 Burpees
Back Squat 3 x 5
45# x 10
95# x 8
165# x 5
190# x 5
205# x 5 (+3)
Dips 3 x 10
WOD from 110808:
4 rounds of:
Row 500m
Rest 3 min
Post time for each round
Time: 1:47 | 1:51 | 1:51 | 1:44
P.M. Workout
Buy in:
5K run: 27:15
WOD (untimed):
12-9-6 of
30# DB Ground to overhead
Knees to Elbows
HSPUs: 5 | 5 | 4
Snatch 3 x 5
45 | 55 | 95
After 2 complete cycles of the CrossFit Strength Bias Program I've evaluated my progress and am going to switch things up and substitute a bench press day for the front squat day. The intent is to help improve my shoulder press.
Front squats will still be done but only as skill work on back squat day. Additionally I will be adding dedicated chin/pull-up to shoulder day to work this goat as well as adding dedicated dips to bench press day.
A.M. Workout
Buy in:
15 Arm circles (per arm; f/b)
15 Leg swings (per leg)
10 Overhead squats
10 Burpees
Back Squat 3 x 5
45# x 10
95# x 8
165# x 5
190# x 5
205# x 5 (+3)
Dips 3 x 10
WOD from 110808:
4 rounds of:
Row 500m
Rest 3 min
Post time for each round
Time: 1:47 | 1:51 | 1:51 | 1:44
P.M. Workout
Buy in:
5K run: 27:15
WOD (untimed):
12-9-6 of
30# DB Ground to overhead
Knees to Elbows
HSPUs: 5 | 5 | 4
Snatch 3 x 5
45 | 55 | 95
After 2 complete cycles of the CrossFit Strength Bias Program I've evaluated my progress and am going to switch things up and substitute a bench press day for the front squat day. The intent is to help improve my shoulder press.
Front squats will still be done but only as skill work on back squat day. Additionally I will be adding dedicated chin/pull-up to shoulder day to work this goat as well as adding dedicated dips to bench press day.
Monday, August 8, 2011
110807 Mel
CFSB C2 w6d6 1RM test
Buy in:
3mi easy cycling
Burgener warm-up x 2
Shoulder Press 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Bench Press 3 x 5
Pull-ups 5 x 3
5 rounds for time of:
100m run
10 burpees
10 push-ups
10 mountain climbers
10 sit-ups
10 prison squats
Time: 15:59
Cash out:
10mi easy cycling
Disappointed with my progress on the press. I actually regressed by 5# from the last test. Might have been due to the C&Js and handstand holds from the day before.
Need to figure out a plan for assistance work.
Buy in:
3mi easy cycling
Burgener warm-up x 2
Shoulder Press 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Bench Press 3 x 5
Pull-ups 5 x 3
5 rounds for time of:
100m run
10 burpees
10 push-ups
10 mountain climbers
10 sit-ups
10 prison squats
Time: 15:59
Cash out:
10mi easy cycling
Disappointed with my progress on the press. I actually regressed by 5# from the last test. Might have been due to the C&Js and handstand holds from the day before.
Need to figure out a plan for assistance work.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
110806 Clean & Jerk, Muscle-ups
CFSB C2 w6d5
Buy in:
1hr easy cycling
Front Squat 5 x 3
HR Back Squat set: 155# x 20
12-9-6 reps of:
135# Clean & Jerks
Muscle-ups (seated)
Time: 13:07
Handstand holds x 3 for time:
:50 | :40 | :30
It took 3 weeks to get 195# x 3. Last rep was ugly but I got it up.
Buy in:
1hr easy cycling
Front Squat 5 x 3
HR Back Squat set: 155# x 20
12-9-6 reps of:
135# Clean & Jerks
Muscle-ups (seated)
Time: 13:07
Handstand holds x 3 for time:
:50 | :40 | :30
It took 3 weeks to get 195# x 3. Last rep was ugly but I got it up.
Friday, August 5, 2011
110805 Jackie
CFSB C2 w6d4
Buy in:
10 overhead squats
10 burpees
For time
1000m row
45# Thruster x 50
30 Pull-ups
Time: 10:32
Cash out:
3 rounds of:
10 Bar Dips
10 K2E
2nd "girl" as Rx'd. Row and thrusters were good. Thrusters were unbroken but pull-ups were a grind as usual. Got through the first 10, then 5, then the rest were singles. All pull-ups were dead hang.
Buy in:
10 overhead squats
10 burpees
For time
1000m row
45# Thruster x 50
30 Pull-ups
Time: 10:32
Cash out:
3 rounds of:
10 Bar Dips
10 K2E
2nd "girl" as Rx'd. Row and thrusters were good. Thrusters were unbroken but pull-ups were a grind as usual. Got through the first 10, then 5, then the rest were singles. All pull-ups were dead hang.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
110803 800m
CFSB C2 w6d2 1RM test
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds Burgener warm-up
Deadlift (sumo) 10-5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Compared to 110615
HR set 195# x 20
3 rounds for time of:
Run 800m
Rest 2 min
Time: 3:04 | 3:04 | 3:13 (Total: 13:21)
Felt a little spent from yesterday's 1RM test and didn't think I was going to get after it today. Once I got moving everything just started to click and got 2 more PRs. A little shocked by my 800 times too. Thought my splits would have been around 4:00.
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds Burgener warm-up
Deadlift (sumo) 10-5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Compared to 110615
HR set 195# x 20
3 rounds for time of:
Run 800m
Rest 2 min
Time: 3:04 | 3:04 | 3:13 (Total: 13:21)
Felt a little spent from yesterday's 1RM test and didn't think I was going to get after it today. Once I got moving everything just started to click and got 2 more PRs. A little shocked by my 800 times too. Thought my splits would have been around 4:00.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
110802 Weighted Dips
CFSB C2 w6d1 1RM test
Buy in:
.5mi run
2 rounds of:
15 Push-ups
15 V-ups
15 Back Extensions
10 Pull-ups
Back Squat 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Compared to 110614
Weighted Dips 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1
Wow! I would have been happy with a 10# increase on the back squat but I bested my PR by 25#. The BrandX strength bias programming is working great. I've got my 300# goal in the crosshairs.
Buy in:
.5mi run
2 rounds of:
15 Push-ups
15 V-ups
15 Back Extensions
10 Pull-ups
Back Squat 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
Compared to 110614
Weighted Dips 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1
Wow! I would have been happy with a 10# increase on the back squat but I bested my PR by 25#. The BrandX strength bias programming is working great. I've got my 300# goal in the crosshairs.
Make it Paleo
Whoever said eating healthy is bland and boring has obviously never visited Primal-Palate. These. Guys. Rock. Hard.
Just buy the book.
Just buy the book.

Monday, August 1, 2011
110731 Rope Climb, Clean and Jerk - CrossFit Games Event 3
CFSB C2 w5d6
Buy in:
5mi cycling
Shoulder Press 5 x 3
HR set 95# x 15-12-9
WOD (Women's Rx scale):
For time:
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents
145 (115) pound Clean and jerk, 5 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 4 ascents
165 (125) pound Clean and jerk, 4 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
185 (135) pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
205 (145) pound Clean and jerk, 2 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
225 (155) pound Clean and jerk, 1 rep
Time: 24:44
Much harder than I thought. The weight on the C&Js was manageable and I could have done Porch scaling (185# x 1) but the rope hurt. Tore my hands on the second round. Tried to pack the wounds with more chalk but that was a fail. Finished (barely) with gloves.
Buy in:
5mi cycling
Shoulder Press 5 x 3
HR set 95# x 15-12-9
WOD (Women's Rx scale):
For time:
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents
145 (115) pound Clean and jerk, 5 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 4 ascents
165 (125) pound Clean and jerk, 4 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
185 (135) pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 2 ascents
205 (145) pound Clean and jerk, 2 reps
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
225 (155) pound Clean and jerk, 1 rep
Time: 24:44
Much harder than I thought. The weight on the C&Js was manageable and I could have done Porch scaling (185# x 1) but the rope hurt. Tore my hands on the second round. Tried to pack the wounds with more chalk but that was a fail. Finished (barely) with gloves.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
110730 Running
CFSB C2 w5d5
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Front Squat 5 x 3
2mi run 16:08
100m sprints x 5 (not timed)
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Front Squat 5 x 3
2mi run 16:08
100m sprints x 5 (not timed)
Friday, July 29, 2011
110729 Helen
CFSB C2 w5d4
Buy in:
5min on stationary bike
2 rounds of:
10 dips
15 V-ups
3 rounds for time of:
400m run
21 55# DB swings
12 Pull-ups
Time: 13: 46
Compared to 101127
3 rounds for time
Run 400 m
21 dumbbell/kettlebell swings, 35-45#
12 pull ups (assisted)
Time: 10:04
Cash out:
HSPU 3 x 5
Hang Clean High Pull 3 x 5 @ 135#
Push-up + Row 2 x 10 w/ 15# DB
Buy in:
5min on stationary bike
2 rounds of:
10 dips
15 V-ups
3 rounds for time of:
400m run
21 55# DB swings
12 Pull-ups
Time: 13: 46
Compared to 101127
3 rounds for time
Run 400 m
21 dumbbell/kettlebell swings, 35-45#
12 pull ups (assisted)
Time: 10:04
Cash out:
HSPU 3 x 5
Hang Clean High Pull 3 x 5 @ 135#
Push-up + Row 2 x 10 w/ 15# DB
2011 CrossFit Games
CrossFit geeks rejoice! The Games are about to begin. If you don't know the CrossFit Games are the "Olympics of Exercise". Designed to find the fittest man and woman on the face of the planet.
I'm still not sure why I'm so stoked about the Games. I mean really—it's just people exercising for God's sake. I guess part of it has to do with the fact that I know how hard these athletes have to work to complete their task. The other part of it must have something to do with that picture of Camille.
Whatever it is it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters right now is 3...2...1...GO!
I'm still not sure why I'm so stoked about the Games. I mean really—it's just people exercising for God's sake. I guess part of it has to do with the fact that I know how hard these athletes have to work to complete their task. The other part of it must have something to do with that picture of Camille.
Whatever it is it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters right now is 3...2...1...GO!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
110727 Wall-ball, Squat snatches
CFSB C2 w5d2
Buy in:
5min jump rope
2 rounds of:
20 Good Mornings
20 Sit-ups
Romanian Deadlifts 3 x 5
HR set 135# x 21
3 rounds for time of:
30 Wall-ball shots, 20# ball; 10.5' target (scaled to 12#)
30 75# Squat Snatches (movement initiates with bar below knees) (scaled to 65#)
Time: 21:47
Switched the deadlift type today to focus more on the hamstrings. Haven't done these in a very long time so I was conservative when choosing a weight. Could have added 20# to each set.
Buy in:
5min jump rope
2 rounds of:
20 Good Mornings
20 Sit-ups
Romanian Deadlifts 3 x 5
HR set 135# x 21
3 rounds for time of:
30 Wall-ball shots, 20# ball; 10.5' target (scaled to 12#)
30 75# Squat Snatches (movement initiates with bar below knees) (scaled to 65#)
Time: 21:47
Switched the deadlift type today to focus more on the hamstrings. Haven't done these in a very long time so I was conservative when choosing a weight. Could have added 20# to each set.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
110726 Weighted Push-ups
CFSB C2 w5d1
Morning workout
Buy in:
10min easy bike ride
:20 isometric hold on pull-up bar x 2
10 Burpees x 2
10 115# Push Press x 2
Back Squat 3 x 5
Evening workout
Buy in:
2 rounds of :
10 Chin-ups
20 GHD Sit-ups
Weighted Push-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Morning workout
Buy in:
10min easy bike ride
:20 isometric hold on pull-up bar x 2
10 Burpees x 2
10 115# Push Press x 2
Back Squat 3 x 5
Evening workout
Buy in:
2 rounds of :
10 Chin-ups
20 GHD Sit-ups
Weighted Push-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Monday, July 25, 2011
110724 Swim, Push-ups
CFSB C2 w4d6
Buy in:
Row 1K (4:12)
Shoulder Press 5 x 3
HR set 95# x 18
Cash out:
Power Cleans 3 x 5
Dips (weighted)
Swim, Push-ups
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 50 meters
25 push-ups (scaled to 15)
Time: 10:23
Buy in:
Row 1K (4:12)
Shoulder Press 5 x 3
HR set 95# x 18
Cash out:
Power Cleans 3 x 5
Dips (weighted)
Swim, Push-ups
5 rounds for time of:
Swim 50 meters
25 push-ups (scaled to 15)
Time: 10:23
Sunday, July 24, 2011
110723 Manion
CFSB C2 w4d5
Buy in:
5mi cycling
10-7-5 95# Clean and Jerk
Front Squat 3 x 5
Manion (porch weight/pack rounds)
5 rounds for time of:
400m run
115# Back Squat x 29
Time: 30:35
10-7-5 Ring Dips
:30-:30-:45 Handstand holds
Did HR back squats as part of today's WOD. Heat and humidity were brutally oppressive even at 9:00 a.m.
Buy in:
5mi cycling
10-7-5 95# Clean and Jerk
Front Squat 3 x 5
Manion (porch weight/pack rounds)
5 rounds for time of:
400m run
115# Back Squat x 29
Time: 30:35
10-7-5 Ring Dips
:30-:30-:45 Handstand holds
Did HR back squats as part of today's WOD. Heat and humidity were brutally oppressive even at 9:00 a.m.
110721 PT WOD
CFSB C2 w4d3
Did this at PT tonight.
3 rounds for time of:
400m run
15 Pull-ups
15 95# Power Cleans
15 Push-ups
15 Box jumps (weight bench)
Time: 23:02
Really enjoyed this one despite the suffering.
Did this at PT tonight.
3 rounds for time of:
400m run
15 Pull-ups
15 95# Power Cleans
15 Push-ups
15 Box jumps (weight bench)
Time: 23:02
Really enjoyed this one despite the suffering.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
110720 2010 Northwest Regional Event 1
CFSB C2 w4d2
Buy in:
1mi run
10 K2E x 3
Push-ups wide | normal | diamond 15-15-15
Deadlift (sumo) 3 x 3
HR DL (conventional) set:
95# x 20
2010 Northwest Regional Event 1
3 rounds for time of:
135# Overhead Squats x 10
50 double unders
Time: 17:05
Scaled weight to 95#. Had to stop OHS after the first couple reps to put on wrist wraps. Double unders were broken all over using the shitty Nike rope. Note to self: use wraps next time and buy a new rope.
Extremely frustrating day. Failed on 3RM attempt. Heat and humidity were brutal (lost 1lb of water weight in sweat). Mentally I was off of my game and couldn't get it together.
Buy in:
1mi run
10 K2E x 3
Push-ups wide | normal | diamond 15-15-15
Deadlift (sumo) 3 x 3
HR DL (conventional) set:
95# x 20
2010 Northwest Regional Event 1
3 rounds for time of:
135# Overhead Squats x 10
50 double unders
Time: 17:05
Scaled weight to 95#. Had to stop OHS after the first couple reps to put on wrist wraps. Double unders were broken all over using the shitty Nike rope. Note to self: use wraps next time and buy a new rope.
Extremely frustrating day. Failed on 3RM attempt. Heat and humidity were brutal (lost 1lb of water weight in sweat). Mentally I was off of my game and couldn't get it together.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
110719 PT
CFSB C2 w4d1
Buy in:
5min jump rope
10 overhead squats x 2
10 V-ups x 2
Pull-ups 5-3-1-1 | 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
10 Ring Dips x 2
Back Squat 3 x 3
Squat Cleans 3 x 5
WOD to be done at PT tonight
Buy in:
5min jump rope
10 overhead squats x 2
10 V-ups x 2
Pull-ups 5-3-1-1 | 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
10 Ring Dips x 2
Back Squat 3 x 3
Squat Cleans 3 x 5
WOD to be done at PT tonight
110717 Barbara (lite)
CFSB C2 w3d6
Buy in:
5mi cycling
Shoulder Press 3 x 5
HR set 12>=20 @ 95#
17 reps
Barbara (lite)
3 rounds of (w/ 3 min rest between rounds):
10 pull-ups (blue band)
20 push-ups
30 sit-ups
40 squats
Time for each round:
2:42 | 2:59 | 3:04
Buy in:
5mi cycling
Shoulder Press 3 x 5
HR set 12>=20 @ 95#
17 reps
Barbara (lite)
3 rounds of (w/ 3 min rest between rounds):
10 pull-ups (blue band)
20 push-ups
30 sit-ups
40 squats
Time for each round:
2:42 | 2:59 | 3:04
Saturday, July 16, 2011
110716 Waiter Walks, GHD Sit-ups, Back Extensions
CFSB C2 w3d5
Buy in:
5min jump rope
Front Squat 3 x 5
HR Back Squat 155# x 20
3 rounds for time of:
32.5# DB Waiters Walk, 100M, right arm
30 GHD Sit-ups
Buy in:
5min jump rope
Front Squat 3 x 5
HR Back Squat 155# x 20
3 rounds for time of:
32.5# DB Waiters Walk, 100M, right arm
30 GHD Sit-ups
32.5# DB Waiters Walk, 100M, left arm
30 Back Extensions
Time: 19:13
Running Drills With Brian MacKenzie
Crossfit Endurance's Brian MacKenzie works with triathlete Doug Katona on drills employing the Pose Method of running.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Friday, July 15, 2011
110714 Alottatabata
Another session at PT tonight. Chris put me through a tabata workout to test the calf. This is what he came up with.
Tabata: 8 rounds 20 sec. work/ 10 sec. rest. 2 min rest between exercises
Jumping squats on Bosu ball
Plyo push-ups
Mary Catherines
Double unders
I didn't keep track of my score. The objective was to get through the workout without aggravating the calf and that objective was achieved. Totally blown out at the end of this one.
Tabata: 8 rounds 20 sec. work/ 10 sec. rest. 2 min rest between exercises
Jumping squats on Bosu ball
Plyo push-ups
Mary Catherines
Double unders
I didn't keep track of my score. The objective was to get through the workout without aggravating the calf and that objective was achieved. Totally blown out at the end of this one.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
110713 Deadlifts
CFSB C2 w3d2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
10 push-ups (narrow)
10 push-ups (medium)
10 push-ups (wide)
Deadlift 3 x 3
HR set @ 195#
All DLs done sumo style
No WOD today. Did an one at PT on Monday on my off-day and am feeling a little run-down. It's been 6 days in a row with no rest with another PT WOD scheduled for tomorrow. Torn calf is healing up really well though. I was able to run, double under and do bosu ball jumps (testing out a box tomorrow) with no pain.
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
10 push-ups (narrow)
10 push-ups (medium)
10 push-ups (wide)
Deadlift 3 x 3
HR set @ 195#
All DLs done sumo style
No WOD today. Did an one at PT on Monday on my off-day and am feeling a little run-down. It's been 6 days in a row with no rest with another PT WOD scheduled for tomorrow. Torn calf is healing up really well though. I was able to run, double under and do bosu ball jumps (testing out a box tomorrow) with no pain.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
110712 Snatch on the minute for 15 minutes
CFSB C2 w3d1
Buy in:
10 V-ups x 2
10 Back extensions x 2
10 Dips x 2
5 pull-ups x 2
5 chin-ups x 2
Back Squat 3 x 3
Snatch on the minute for 15 minutes
Post highest and lowest loads to comments
145# | 65#
HSPUs 5 x 3
Buy in:
10 V-ups x 2
10 Back extensions x 2
10 Dips x 2
5 pull-ups x 2
5 chin-ups x 2
Back Squat 3 x 3
Snatch on the minute for 15 minutes
Post highest and lowest loads to comments
145# | 65#
HSPUs 5 x 3
Sunday, July 10, 2011
110710 Car Pushes
Buy in:
5mi cycling
Shoulder Press 3 x 5
HR set 12>=20 @ 95#
Score: 18
Car pushes
Push a car. Post weight, distance and reps
Score: 3439 | 64ft | 4
Rolled my own WOD today. I've been wanting to integrate these into my training and finally got around to it. It was tough physically but the hit to the CNS was significant.
5mi cycling
Shoulder Press 3 x 5
HR set 12>=20 @ 95#
Score: 18
Car pushes
Push a car. Post weight, distance and reps
Score: 3439 | 64ft | 4
Rolled my own WOD today. I've been wanting to integrate these into my training and finally got around to it. It was tough physically but the hit to the CNS was significant.
110709 Weighted Pull-ups
CFSB C2 w2d5
Buy in:
6mi cycling
Burgener warm-up x 2
Front Squat 3 x 5
HR Back squats
12-9-6 @ 155#
Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
HSPUs 5-4-3
3 x 10
Couldn't get it together on the last set of front squats. Tired and a loss of a few pounds could have contributed.
For the WOD I didn't refer to my previous results (best @ 40) and wound up doing less. Very disappointing day.
Buy in:
6mi cycling
Burgener warm-up x 2
Front Squat 3 x 5
HR Back squats
12-9-6 @ 155#
Weighted pull-ups 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
HSPUs 5-4-3
3 x 10
Couldn't get it together on the last set of front squats. Tired and a loss of a few pounds could have contributed.
For the WOD I didn't refer to my previous results (best @ 40) and wound up doing less. Very disappointing day.
Friday, July 8, 2011
110708 DT
Buy in:
5mi cycling
Ring Dips 10-7-5
V-Ups 15-12-9
DT (scaled)
3 rounds for time of:
135# deadlift
135# hang power clean
135# push jerk
Time: 12:25
Sufferfest. More breaks than I would have liked. All DLs were unbroken but the HPCs and PJs required 1 each.
5mi cycling
Ring Dips 10-7-5
V-Ups 15-12-9
DT (scaled)
3 rounds for time of:
135# deadlift
135# hang power clean
135# push jerk
Time: 12:25
Sufferfest. More breaks than I would have liked. All DLs were unbroken but the HPCs and PJs required 1 each.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
110706 L-rope climbs, HSPUs, One legged squats
CFSB C2 w2d2
Buy in:
Burgener warm-up x 2
Deadlift 3 x 3
Lift done sumo-style
HR set deadlift (sumo) 15=>20 @ 195#
Score: 16
5 rounds for time of:
1 15' L-rope climb
5 Parallete HSPUs
10 45# one-legged overhead squats
Time: 16:34
Scaling notes:
First rope climb done as L for first 5' then form broke but continued up rope using hands only. The rest of the reps were done using spanish-wrap technique.
Didn't have paralletes so HSPUs were done as normal.
Can barely do unweighted pistols so these were done without weight.
First time doing deadlifts sumo-style. Felt more tension in the hamstrings and much easier on the lower back. Really happy with my pulls today. Just 15# to go to reach my goal of 320# x 3.
Buy in:
Burgener warm-up x 2
Deadlift 3 x 3
Lift done sumo-style
HR set deadlift (sumo) 15=>20 @ 195#
Score: 16
5 rounds for time of:
1 15' L-rope climb
5 Parallete HSPUs
10 45# one-legged overhead squats
Time: 16:34
Scaling notes:
First rope climb done as L for first 5' then form broke but continued up rope using hands only. The rest of the reps were done using spanish-wrap technique.
Didn't have paralletes so HSPUs were done as normal.
Can barely do unweighted pistols so these were done without weight.
First time doing deadlifts sumo-style. Felt more tension in the hamstrings and much easier on the lower back. Really happy with my pulls today. Just 15# to go to reach my goal of 320# x 3.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
110705 Power cleans, burpees
CFSB C2 w2d1
Buy in:
5 min cycling (stationary)
then 2 rounds of:
10 squats
5 pull ups
10 V-ups
10 back extensions
Back squat 5 x 3
5 rounds for time of:
5 155# power cleans
10 burpees
Time: 8:33
Cash out:
handstand holds 3 x :55
Buy in:
5 min cycling (stationary)
then 2 rounds of:
10 squats
5 pull ups
10 V-ups
10 back extensions
Back squat 5 x 3
5 rounds for time of:
5 155# power cleans
10 burpees
Time: 8:33
Cash out:
handstand holds 3 x :55
110703 Front Squats, burpee pull-ups
CFSB C2 w1d6
Buy in:
Shoulder mob
Shoulder press 3 x 5
HR set
shoulder press 95# 12=>20
18 reps (1 less rep than previous effort)
3 rounds for time of:
12 135# front squats
12 burpee pull-ups
Time: 12:15
Buy in:
Shoulder mob
Shoulder press 3 x 5
HR set
shoulder press 95# 12=>20
18 reps (1 less rep than previous effort)
3 rounds for time of:
12 135# front squats
12 burpee pull-ups
Time: 12:15
110702 Deadlift, push-ups
CFSB C2 w1d5
Buy in:
Burgener warm-up x 2
Front squat 3 x 5
HR Back squats
10-7-5 @ 155#
5 rounds for time of:
135# deadlift x 15
15 push-ups
Time: 12:10
Buy in:
Burgener warm-up x 2
Front squat 3 x 5
HR Back squats
10-7-5 @ 155#
5 rounds for time of:
135# deadlift x 15
15 push-ups
Time: 12:10
110701 Handstand push-ups, L pull-ups
CFSB C2 w1d4
Buy in:
5 mi cycling
4 handstand push-ups
8 ring pull ups
8 rounds
Buy in:
5 mi cycling
4 handstand push-ups
8 ring pull ups
8 rounds
Thursday, June 30, 2011
110630 Rest Day
Rest day and a trip to the PT to work on my calf.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
110629 Elizabeth
CFSB C2 w1d2
Buy in:
15 min cycling
Burgener warm-up x 2
Deadlift 3 x 5
HR set
195# x 14
21-15-9 (scaled to 12-9-6) of:
135# power cleans
Ring dips (bar dips)
Time: 6:00
Cash out:
Bench press 10-8-6-4-2-1
Pull ups 5-4-3-2-1
Tough WOD today. One of the few that left me "breathing fire" and close to vomitting.
Buy in:
15 min cycling
Burgener warm-up x 2
Deadlift 3 x 5
HR set
195# x 14
21-15-9 (scaled to 12-9-6) of:
135# power cleans
Ring dips (bar dips)
Time: 6:00
Cash out:
Bench press 10-8-6-4-2-1
Pull ups 5-4-3-2-1
Tough WOD today. One of the few that left me "breathing fire" and close to vomitting.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Torn Gastroc
Well, went to PT at Global Fitness, LLC today and worked with Chris to diagnose my calf injury and sure enough it's torn. No running or jumping for 2-4 weeks.
Chris began by checking for swelling and range of motion in the ankle, then some light poking and prodding to see where it was sensitive. He then ran me through a number of exercises to perform on my own to help promote blood flow to the area. The exercises are light plantarflexion and dorsiflexion as well as circles and making the alphabet to work on proprioception. Next up was some light myofascial release, ultrasound and icing.
I'll have to refrain from running and jumping for the next 2-4 weeks. I was concerned that the injury would prohibit me from squatting and deadlifting but Chris said as long as there's no pain I can have a go at it. I did some heavy squats this morning and thankfully no pain whatsoever.
I did have a bit of anxiety prior to getting to my appointment as I expected to be read the Riot Act when I mentioned that I've been following CrossFit programming. The last thing I wanted was to get into a debate about the dangers of CrossFit (and no CrossFit had nothing to do with this injury, it was my pig-headed programming.) Much to my surprise Chris is a CF L1 and can appreciate the program and my desire to get train at full intensity ASAP.
So that's it in a nutshell. Not as bad as I expected and hopefully the recovery is quick.
Chris began by checking for swelling and range of motion in the ankle, then some light poking and prodding to see where it was sensitive. He then ran me through a number of exercises to perform on my own to help promote blood flow to the area. The exercises are light plantarflexion and dorsiflexion as well as circles and making the alphabet to work on proprioception. Next up was some light myofascial release, ultrasound and icing.
I'll have to refrain from running and jumping for the next 2-4 weeks. I was concerned that the injury would prohibit me from squatting and deadlifting but Chris said as long as there's no pain I can have a go at it. I did some heavy squats this morning and thankfully no pain whatsoever.
I did have a bit of anxiety prior to getting to my appointment as I expected to be read the Riot Act when I mentioned that I've been following CrossFit programming. The last thing I wanted was to get into a debate about the dangers of CrossFit (and no CrossFit had nothing to do with this injury, it was my pig-headed programming.) Much to my surprise Chris is a CF L1 and can appreciate the program and my desire to get train at full intensity ASAP.
So that's it in a nutshell. Not as bad as I expected and hopefully the recovery is quick.
110628 Push-ups, Sit-ups
CFSB C2 w1d1
Buy in:
15min cycling
20 squats x 2
10 ring dips x 2
Back squat 5 x 3
40 push-ups
10 sit-ups
30 push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 push-ups
30 sit-ups
10 push-ups
40 sit-ups
Time: 11:43
Buy in:
15min cycling
20 squats x 2
10 ring dips x 2
Back squat 5 x 3
40 push-ups
10 sit-ups
30 push-ups
20 sit-ups
20 push-ups
30 sit-ups
10 push-ups
40 sit-ups
Time: 11:43
Monday, June 27, 2011
110626 Farmers Walk, Toes-to-bar, DB swings
CFSB C1 de-load week
Buy in:
5mi of cycling
Shoulder press 3 x 5
HR set:
Shoulder press 95# x 19
10 min AMRAP
100m Farmers carry with 75# barbells in each hand
20 Toes-to-bar
20 45# DB swings
Score: 1 round + FCs + 13 TTB
Power clean 3 x 5
Had a lot of difficulty on the 2nd round of Farmers carries. Sweaty hands and a lack of knurling on the bar made the bar slide causing me to reset a number of times.
Buy in:
5mi of cycling
Shoulder press 3 x 5
HR set:
Shoulder press 95# x 19
10 min AMRAP
100m Farmers carry with 75# barbells in each hand
20 Toes-to-bar
20 45# DB swings
Score: 1 round + FCs + 13 TTB
Power clean 3 x 5
Had a lot of difficulty on the 2nd round of Farmers carries. Sweaty hands and a lack of knurling on the bar made the bar slide causing me to reset a number of times.
110625 Injured!
CFSB C1 de-load week
Buy in:
400m run
2 rounds of Burgener warm up
10 V ups x 2
Front squat 3 x 5
HR set:
Back squat 135# x 20
2 rounds of
1min 35# DB snatch left arm
1min 35# DB snatch right arm
1min 21" box jump
Rest 1 min
Score: DNF.
Got half way through the box jumps and my left calf popped putting an end to the workout. Not sure if it's torn or pulled but I iced it all weekend. Not much pain this morning but it is tight.
Buy in:
400m run
2 rounds of Burgener warm up
10 V ups x 2
Front squat 3 x 5
HR set:
Back squat 135# x 20
2 rounds of
1min 35# DB snatch left arm
1min 35# DB snatch right arm
1min 21" box jump
Rest 1 min
Score: DNF.
Got half way through the box jumps and my left calf popped putting an end to the workout. Not sure if it's torn or pulled but I iced it all weekend. Not much pain this morning but it is tight.
Friday, June 24, 2011
110624 Run, C&J's
CFSB C1 de-load week
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 OHS
10 push ups
3 pull ups
10 V-ups
For time:
Run 800 meters
Clean and Jerk, 30 reps
Run 800 meters
Post total time and load.
Load: 95#
Time: 15:37
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
10 OHS
10 push ups
3 pull ups
10 V-ups
For time:
Run 800 meters
Clean and Jerk, 30 reps
Run 800 meters
Post total time and load.
Load: 95#
Time: 15:37
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
110622 Rope climbs, dips and wall ball
CFSB C1 de-load week. Use -10-15% of previous 3s and 5s
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
20 push ups
20 sit ups
20 squats
Deadlift 3 x 5
HR Set 185# x 20
10min AMRAP
1 15' rope climb
10 ring dips
20 wall balls (12# ball)
Score: 3 rounds + 1 RC + 3 RD
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
2 rounds of:
20 push ups
20 sit ups
20 squats
Deadlift 3 x 5
HR Set 185# x 20
10min AMRAP
1 15' rope climb
10 ring dips
20 wall balls (12# ball)
Score: 3 rounds + 1 RC + 3 RD
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
110621 Badger
CFSB C1 de-load week. Use -10-15% of previous 3s and 5s.
Buy in:
20 20# KB swings x 2
20 overhead squats x 2
20 sit ups x 2
Back Squat 5 x 3
3 rounds for time of:
30 75# squat clean
30 pull-ups (blue band assisted)
800m run
Time: 24:58
2 rounds completed. Picked the wrong WOD to fit into the 15 min time domain so I cut it short.
Should have used the 55# pack-scaling. 75 was a slog.
Buy in:
20 20# KB swings x 2
20 overhead squats x 2
20 sit ups x 2
Back Squat 5 x 3
3 rounds for time of:
30 75# squat clean
30 pull-ups (blue band assisted)
800m run
Time: 24:58
2 rounds completed. Picked the wrong WOD to fit into the 15 min time domain so I cut it short.
Should have used the 55# pack-scaling. 75 was a slog.
Monday, June 20, 2011
CFSB Cycle 1 complete
After 6 weeks that concludes my first cycle of Brand X's strength bias training. Improvement was made across the board:
Exercise | Starting weight |
Finishing weight |
Back Squat | 250 | 260 (+10) |
Deadlift | 315 | 330 (+15) |
Shoulder Press | 140 | 150 (+10) |
Plan to de-load this week by 10-15%, then next week resume progress with cycle 2.
110619 Deadlift, Air Squat, Push Press
CFSB w6d6
Buy in:
Burgener warm up x 3
Shoulder press 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
For time:
Pack-ish scale
195 pound Deadlift, 21 reps
50 Squats
115 pound Push press, 21 reps
195 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
50 Squats
115 pound Push press, 15 reps
195 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
50 Squats
115 pound Push press, 9 reps
Time: 15:26
Cash out:
4 x 3 pull ups
2 new PRs in one session!
Buy in:
Burgener warm up x 3
Shoulder press 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
For time:
Pack-ish scale
195 pound Deadlift, 21 reps
50 Squats
115 pound Push press, 21 reps
195 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
50 Squats
115 pound Push press, 15 reps
195 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
50 Squats
115 pound Push press, 9 reps
Time: 15:26
Cash out:
4 x 3 pull ups
2 new PRs in one session!
110618 Squat Cleans, Push Presses, Double Unders
CFSB w6d5
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Burgener warmup
Front squat 3 x 5
HR Back squat 155# x 20
10 min AMRAP
105# squat clean x 1
105# push press x 3
20 double unders
Score: 3 rounds + 1 SC + 3PP + 2 DUs
Cash out:
5 x 400m
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Burgener warmup
Front squat 3 x 5
HR Back squat 155# x 20
10 min AMRAP
105# squat clean x 1
105# push press x 3
20 double unders
Score: 3 rounds + 1 SC + 3PP + 2 DUs
Cash out:
5 x 400m
Friday, June 17, 2011
110617 Nancy
CFSB w6d4
Buy in:
45# overhead squat x 10
45# good mornings x 20
10 ring dips x 2
5 rounds for time of:
400m run
95# overhead squat x 15 (scaled to 75#)
Time: 19:54
Cash out:
75# shoulder press 15-12-9
Buy in:
45# overhead squat x 10
45# good mornings x 20
10 ring dips x 2
5 rounds for time of:
400m run
95# overhead squat x 15 (scaled to 75#)
Time: 19:54
Cash out:
75# shoulder press 15-12-9
Thursday, June 16, 2011
100615 Power Cleans and push ups
Didn't have time to do the WOD in the morning so this was done after work.
Buy in:
5min jump rope
Burgener warm up
With a continuously running clock, perform the following on the minute for 8 minutes:
95# power clean x 5
Push ups (hands release from the floor at the bottom) x 10
Buy in:
5min jump rope
Burgener warm up
With a continuously running clock, perform the following on the minute for 8 minutes:
95# power clean x 5
Push ups (hands release from the floor at the bottom) x 10
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
110615 Deadlifts
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
10 ring rows x 2
20 sit ups x 2
Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
HR set
185# x 20
Deadlift PR by 15#
5 min jump rope
10 ring rows x 2
20 sit ups x 2
Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
HR set
185# x 20
Deadlift PR by 15#
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
110614 Fran
CFSB w6d1
Buy in:
Hip mob
20 squats x 2
12 dips x 2
10 K2E x 2
Back squat 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
21-15-9 of:
95# thrusters
Pull ups (blue band assisted; mixed grip
Time: 8:55
:30 handstand holds x 3
hspu 3 x 4
New 1RM PR! First time doing Fran with the rx'd thrusters. Legs are paying the price now.
Buy in:
Hip mob
20 squats x 2
12 dips x 2
10 K2E x 2
Back squat 5-3-3-1-1-1-1
21-15-9 of:
95# thrusters
Pull ups (blue band assisted; mixed grip
Time: 8:55
:30 handstand holds x 3
hspu 3 x 4
New 1RM PR! First time doing Fran with the rx'd thrusters. Legs are paying the price now.
Monday, June 13, 2011
110612 Run 2mi
CFSB w5d6
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
20 squats x 2
20 medball sit ups x 2
Shoulder press 5 x 3
HR Set
95# x 16
Run 2mi
Time: 17:07
30 sec handstand holds x 5
Ring dips 2 x 10
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
20 squats x 2
20 medball sit ups x 2
Shoulder press 5 x 3
HR Set
95# x 16
Run 2mi
Time: 17:07
30 sec handstand holds x 5
Ring dips 2 x 10
110611 Cleans
CFSB w5d5
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
20 squats x 2
Burgener warm up
Front Squat 5 x 3
Clean Pulls 3 x 10
Power Cleans 3 x 5
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
20 squats x 2
Burgener warm up
Front Squat 5 x 3
Clean Pulls 3 x 10
Power Cleans 3 x 5
110610 Run, Muscle ups
CFSB w5d4
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
20 squats x 2
20 sit ups x 2
AMRAP in 20 min:
400m run
7 muscle ups (blue band assisted)
Score: 5 rounds
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
20 squats x 2
20 sit ups x 2
AMRAP in 20 min:
400m run
7 muscle ups (blue band assisted)
Score: 5 rounds
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
110608 Wall ball, Box Jumps, KB swings
CFSB w5d2
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
shoulder mob
Pull-ups 5-4-3-2-1
Deadlift 3 x 3
HR set 21-15-9 x 185#
For time, 21-15-9 of:
21" box jump
12# wall ball
55# DB swings
Time: 7:00
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
shoulder mob
Pull-ups 5-4-3-2-1
Deadlift 3 x 3
HR set 21-15-9 x 185#
For time, 21-15-9 of:
21" box jump
12# wall ball
55# DB swings
Time: 7:00
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
110606 Row, Burpees, Dumbbell GTOH, TTB, Walking lunge, 150 ft sprint - 2011 CrossFit Games Regional Workout 6
CFSB w5d1
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Burgener warmup x 2
10 OHS x 2
Back squat 3 x 5
For time:
Row 20 calories (subbed SDHP x 50)
30 Burpees
30 pound Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead, 30 reps
30 Toes to bar
100 foot Walking lunge with 25lb plate held overhead
150 foot Sprint
Time: 16:15
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
Burgener warmup x 2
10 OHS x 2
Back squat 3 x 5
For time:
Row 20 calories (subbed SDHP x 50)
30 Burpees
30 pound Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead, 30 reps
30 Toes to bar
100 foot Walking lunge with 25lb plate held overhead
150 foot Sprint
Time: 16:15
Monday, June 6, 2011
110605 200M sprints
CFSB w4d6
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
10 overhead squats x 2
7 ring push ups x 2
Shoulder Press 5 x 3
HR Set 12=>20
95# x 14
200M sprints x 6 w/ :90 breaks between sets
Cash out:
Bench Press 10-8-6-4-2-1-2-4-6-8-10
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
10 overhead squats x 2
7 ring push ups x 2
Shoulder Press 5 x 3
HR Set 12=>20
95# x 14
200M sprints x 6 w/ :90 breaks between sets
Cash out:
Bench Press 10-8-6-4-2-1-2-4-6-8-10
Saturday, June 4, 2011
110604 Moon
CFSB w4d5
Buy in:
5 min jump rope
10 overhead squats x 2
7 ring dips x 2
25 med ball sit ups
Front Squats 5 x 3
HR Back Squats 155 x 18
Three rounds for time of:
35 pound dumbbell Hang split snatch, 10 reps Right arm
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
35 pound dumbbell Hang split snatch, 10 reps Left arm
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
35 pound dumbbell Hang split snatch, 10 reps Right arm
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
35 pound dumbbell Hang split snatch, 10 reps Left arm
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Alternate feet in the split snatch sets.
Time: 10: 58
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